Sheep upset at Papelbon......


Goat Holder

What is it with people and their kids? These Semper **** drive me nuts, leave the damn kids at home. Complete with another telling him to delete his post.......

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Nominate | ReportPosted: Yesterday 11:54 PM

Absolutely ashamed...

of Jonathan Papelbon. He was terrible at the First Pitch Banquet. He was nice signing autographs, but his speech was horrible. I had to leave early to be somewhere else, but by the time I left he had said everything but the F-bomb. There was no place for that. There were kids there who didn't need to hear that and have a hero set such a terrible example for them. He also talked about drinking BEFORE games in college. That is disgusting. To top it off, his speech held no motivational value for the team. I know for a fact that many of them were shocked by how terrible he acted. All he talked about was himself and how much he was his own person.

I sincerely hope that something was just not right with Mr. Papelbon tonight. Maybe some medication went to his head or something. Otherwise, it is sad how much he doesn't care about anything at all.
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Philly Dawg
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Today 6:21 AM

Re: Absolutely ashamed...

Maybe Jonathan has problems, some things may not be right with him. I was not there. I think you should delete your post however.
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Today 7:27 AM

Re: Absolutely ashamed...

Well, I honestly don't know how to delete my post. Please tell me.

However, I do not understand why it needs to be deleted. There is nothing untrue about it, it simply expresses deep shock caused by what he did last night. Please also elaborate on that. I want to understand where you are coming from.

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796 posts this site
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Today 8:16 AM

Re: Why delete?

An eye witness account. Unless you think it is untrue, why delete it?
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Today 8:22 AM

Re: Absolutely ashamed...

If he's telling the truth, why does he need to delete his post? Maybe others who were there can let us know their opinion of the evening.
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Philly DawgSuperstar
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Today 8:32 AM

Re: Absolutely ashamed...

I just don't see any reason to further publicly embarrass him. It sounds like he has done enough of that for himself.
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94 posts this site
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Today 8:41 AM

Re: Absolutely ashamed...

Well I have seen many embarrassments posted on this board so why not this one. I will say that just because Jonathan is a great baseball player certainly doen't qualify him to be a motivational speaker. Mabe the people who asked him to speak should have thought about that. I have watched his wild antics on tv after games and laughed and it would have made me think twice about asking him to speak at a banquet for me. Right now he is who he is----a wild and crazy guy---and I am not being demeaning just stating fact. Mabe when he matures in about 20 years they might invite him back to speak.
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Player of the Year
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Nominate | ReportPosted: Today 8:44 AM

Re: Absolutely ashamed...

Oh come on! You know what you're getting with Papelbon. He doesn't hide anything. We all knew exactly what we were going to get before we bought the tickets. Personally, I thought him making fun of Polk and Polk giving it right back was hilarious. That will be one of the most memorable events of my life. He is still a kid at heart and one of the few good people left in the game of baseball. There is no need to tear him down because he has an over-the-top personality and sense of humor. It is who he is now, who he was at State and who he will be. That is part of what has made him so famous.

Regarding the drinking in the bullpen...he was simply telling a story about how much he missed and loved Left Field Lounge...he was talking about eating ribs during the game and running out to the mound with BBQ sauce on his jersey...then he talked about drinking out there with the fans after the games all night. He talked about the commeraderie.

But, I guess in the Bible Belt you're allowed to do but just no say it in public? Keep the sin hush, hush?

Ah well, I knew some up tight people would whine about last night.

Again, I loved it and will always remember last night.


New member
Aug 30, 2006
give me a break. what a @#%$ assclown this jcdawg homo is. note to jcdawg: if you go to a speaking engagement with paps, chances are he might say a cuss word. ewwww my ears! what a *****....and for all the "but my kids have a right to be there" homos, would you take your kids to a strip club and expect them to handle their ****? point being, some things are for adults and some things are for kids and some things are for both. if you can't figure out between them, your and dubmass *****.

Bulldog Backer

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Jul 22, 2007
...and that is social unpredictability. He is a free spirit, says what he wants and when he wants. He was this way at State. He was a party animal who most of the time, didn't even have a permanent place of his own, just flopped at friends' houses.

Goat Holder

Quote:_________________________________________________didn't even have a permanent place of his own_________________________________________________
So you're saying he never lived in a dorm/rented an apt./etc.? Just quit, guy. And if you want to get super-critical, nobody that goes to college is in a "permanent" residence.

I bet you're the one who takes the pre-fall practice shirtless homoerotic pictures of the football team for Gene.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
I wondered if you were being sarcastic. I think I just saw the long rant, didn't read it and assumed the worst.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
it seems I've stirred up a bit of a hornet's nest over there by telling the sheep they're all a bunch of overly-sensitive cry babies. I really don't care either way but it's fun to rattle their cages.