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Signee Spotlight: Aymeric Koumba ready to be Michigan's next David Ojabo

ECCrzGbXkAEmHxxby:EJ Holland03/09/23


Editor’s Note: This story originally ran in the Michigan recruiting edition of The Wolverine Magazine, which is available for purchase here.

Aymeric Koumba’s route to Michigan is much different than the rest of the signees in the 2023 recruiting class.

Growing up in France where American football is often an afterthought in the sports world, Koumba gravitated toward rugby. He was always physical by nature and was able to express himself on the pitch.

But something just didn’t feel right.

Shortly after Koumba’s 14th birthday, his life changed forever. He discovered American football and immediately developed a passion for the sport.

“I wasn’t really liking rugby, so a friend of mine told me to go try football,” Koumba said. “I went to one practice, and I fell in love with it. I knew it was the right sport for me. I love the strategic aspect and the technical aspect. It was just a better sport for me.”

Koumba began playing for a local club team and eventually linked up with renowned European trainer Brandon Collier.

A former CFL defensive lineman, Collier founded PPI Recruits in 2016 as a way to get international prospects more exposure in the United States. He has now worked with a number of FBS players, including former Michigan defensive lineman Julius Welschof.

“We met up and started working together,” Koumba said. “We’ve done camps and workouts. I’ve been to his house, and we’ve trained all day. It came natural for us. We worked really hard together, and these are the results.”

Collier helped Koumba improve his game and took him to the United States to compete in front of college coaches around the country last summer. Koumba caught the attention of U-M defensive line coach Mike Elston and earned an offer on the spot.

Koumba visited the Michigan campus a couple of weeks later and committed to the Wolverines before the end of summer.

“I looked at all my options, and I quickly realized that Michigan was the best for me,” Koumba said. “They produce big pass rushers like David Ojabo, who is an international prospect like me, and Aidan Hutchinson. I am also a big, strong EDGE, so I felt like it was the school for me.”

And there is no doubt Koumba will have every opportunity to grow and flourish under Elston.

“Coach Elston is a great coach,” Koumba said. “I know that he’s going to develop me. I was feeling a better connection with him than the other coaches. He told me he was going to turn me into a monster.  I’m ready to put in the work with him.”

Koumba, who will enroll at U-M this summer, may be thousands of miles away from home, but he’s exactly where he wants to be.

“I know I have huge potential,” Koumba said. “I want to put the work in. I know the environment there is going to be better. I’m hardworking and always want more. I want to be the greatest. I love the sport. This is my dream.”

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