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Rain or shine, join Inside Texas at Posse East this Saturday in Austin

Eric Nahlinby:Eric Nahlin04/18/24

Ah, the Spring game, that time of year when faithful college football fans overanalyze the most minute aspects of their team. Where one play against walk-ons portends stardom for a player or one miscue dooms a player for the rest of his career.

Desean Hales is going to breakout this year!

Part and parcel with the Spring game is gathering with your fellow fans. Inside Texas has had some really good times before and after games and this year promises to be no different as we meet at one of the last remaining iconic campus bars at the University of Texas — Posse East.

IT will host a post-game YouTube show from Posse East where we encourage IT-ers, and those tangential to the site (any UT fan, really) to come grab a bite and a beer to discuss what we all saw. 

However, Mother Nature could roll out her vaunted cloud resulting in rain. There’s a chance the game could be delayed or canceled.

Regardless of what the weather does, we’re going to Posse East to have a good time. It’s still Saturday, we’re still in Austin, and we can still talk about what happened over the course of Spring ball. Besides, practices are more telling than the game itself and we have no shortage of practice information. 

Posse East has been around for 52 years and is located on 2900 Duval St, just minutes from DKR. It features vintage pub grub at vintages prices. 

We’ll be setting up early so if you can’t make in the afternoon, swing by at 11:00. Our show should start minutes after the conclusion of the game. If the game is canceled, we’ll start the show at 1:00. Feel free to come up and ask questions you’d like answered. 

We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. Familiar faces, new faces, even @HelmetBoy ‘s face, come one, come all. 

If you can’t make it, be sure to catch this show and many more on our relatively new Inside Texas Football YouTube channel. Please do us a favor and like and subscribe to the channel now.

Where: Posse East at 2900 Duval St.

When: This Saturday after the Spring game or at 1:00 if it’s canceled due to weather.

Why: Talking football with likeminded Horns is fun.

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