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New Mexico State head coach Jerry Kill calls out New Mexico AD Eddie Nunez over bowl game treatment

On3 imageby:Andrew Graham12/16/23


Following a thorough beating in the New Mexico Bowl on Saturday evening, New Mexico State head coach Jerry Kill delivered months worth of pent up frustration in an all-time coaching rant. And most of his ire was directed at the treatment from the bowl hosts and rivals, the University of New Mexico.

Kill was, in particular, irked with the perceived mistreatment from UNM and athletic director Eddie Nunez and the fact the Aggies had to scratch and claw to get access to the Lobos’ indoor practice facility.

Kill more than intimated that the hosts tried to keep them from using the indoor facility because of an incident in the offseason where New Mexico State quarterback Diego Pavia urinated on the practice field at UNM’s indoor facility.

“We were taken care of 100% and, you know, it was a great bowl game and hopefully we’ll do a good enough job to come back some day. But they did a great job. And I appreciate it,” Kill said, beginning his rant by contrasting how the New Mexico Bowl-provided accommodations and events were more than adequate.

He continued: “Now the other part of it’s this: We had all kinds of stuff here at the bowl game trying to get done. He had to fight his ass off to get us to be able to practice in an indoor because of a situation that happened down the road. Most of you know that. OK. I did my part. I disciplined the young man and it may not be the time to do it but by gosh I’m going to get it off my damn mind because I haven’t said anything about it.”

New Mexico State did ultimately get access to the practice facility and bowl officials made clear the Aggies were given every accommodation that was afforded to the competition.

Kill then truly got going, arguing that if Pavia had been punished for his incident — New Mexico State handled it internally — that Nunez should be held accountable for trying to stiff arm the Aggies from using the indoor facility.

“We disciplined the young man, he doesn’t get to do any interviews and stuff like that. If you want to take a toothbrush and clean toilets all the time, that ain’t a lot of fun. And do community service. Well guess what? I hope the AD here gets the same damn discipline with the people around this state that Diego got, cause he deserves it. And it don’t bother me a damn bit when he don’t want to let us practice in the indoor facility, when he don’t want us to do this, do that, that’s chickens***,” Kill said.

He kept going, pointing out that he feels he has nothing to really lose in calling out what happened.

“And I don’t care, that’s my opinion. I get in trouble, I don’t give a s*** either, because I can go down, and I can go down to Mexico tomorrow. Drink margaritas and let you all enjoy your life, because I’ll be enjoying mine. But I got class. And I’ve had class my whole life. You can ask the college football profession, I’ve had class. Never been treated like that,” Kill said, before delivering a final twist of the knife in his diatribe. “And guess what? When that incident happened, I didn’t know about it for two months. And we beat them right here, then they tell me after the game. Take that to the bank. And he better be disciplined. He better be disciplined by this state, and if he’s not it’s a crime.”