Six Pack Drinking Game (posted by dawgman13)

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
Here at we believe in having fun. We also believe in having fun by drinking. We also believe that you should drink safe and responsibly. That is why we have devised a drinking game that you can play in the comforts of your home. This way you can have fun by drinking and stay safe. The great thing about this drinking game is that it is free. Of course you did have to buy the computer your using and the alcohol and the internet service and the house you are in, well you get the point.

How to play the game:

On any given night (for all you alcoholics night starts at 7:00 p.m. central time) go to the top of the first page on the message board. Scroll down and read every thread and take a drink of your preferred beverage if any of these occur.

-Someone mentions the name Gene
-Pariah calls someone a sheep
-Cracker mentions his balls
-Travis mentions the name Floyd
-If Heydog mentions posting as Dawgstudent on swans board( oops secrets out)
-QuitBeggin mentions the name LT
-Someone mentions black jeans
-Dawgman13 misspells a word ( you may need another 12 or 5th)
-CB links a picture of a half naked woman
-ESPN links anything
-Dogpound11 mentions a genespage post of the day
-Mutt mentions Rush or the Democrats
-JSIreland mentions a team from Philadelphia
-OlBlue insults a JR post ( grab another 12 or 5th)
-Someone says they are from Vicksburg
-Someone says MsBullie and stupid in the same post
-Frank the Tank uses profanity
-Brutius says something stupid( just drink if he posts)
-Someone tells Stacie to lose the bra
-Extremedog says the name Bury
-Someone tells Zorak67 to go back to
-Pot liquor passes on some information
-Roy McClain posts about the impending infractions that will be brought against Ole Miss( we can dream cant we)
-Willie13 posts a joke (which are damn funny and he should do more often)
-Someone mentions the great St. Al, Natchez Cathedral feud
-Someone says the statement that Jackie ruined our program
-Aaron Sones posts who is on SST tonight
-If Lazy Govt. Worker, Squintdog and Bulldog Bruce post( which is a rarity and shame)
-If Dawgstudent posts the name Mickleson
-If someone says Stansbury is not a good coach.
-If someone states that the current political turmoil in Iraq is greatly effecting the economy in this country and around the world and it may also cause a disturbance in the way people live and also could a big factor in the great unsettling of how safe people feel in their homes and in everyday life due to the growing number of terrorist cells in this country and around the world and also because of the growing non democratic countries that have nuclear weapons.
-If someone says something on Genespage is stupid
-If the Stallion posts anything about LSU that no one else cares about
-If Rocket City Dawg says something about him being old
-If someone mentions All4paws and math in the same sentence
-If someone states that a person does not know anything because they have never coached the game (oops wrong board just drink anyway)
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