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SoonerScoop video: OU players post-practice (Sept. 5)

Bob Przybyloby:Bob Przybylo09/06/23


OU has all of its attention on SMU for the Week 2 contest, and SoonerScoop was back out in full force for Tuesday’s practice.

Here is the best of the best from the players following practice as Brent Venables and crew continue to get ready.

OU hosts SMU at 5 p.m. Saturday.

C Andrew Raym

Evaluate Week 1?

“The big focus is details. But you know what I saw? I saw an O-line where we were finishing. They were trying to get after people’s butts. And, you know, we have a group of guys that really just wants to dominate people this year. We just got to keep working on the small things and details and it’s gonna take us a long way.”

Finally healthy?

“I think being tweaked a couple of times it just showed me how small the margin for error really is. Like you really can’t put yourself in a position to not have a competitive advantage. Even if you’re not hurt you have to proactively be recovering your body, rehabbing to make sure you’re not putting yourself at risk to be hurt. So it just taught me that I’ve got to be better with the small things and be proactive.”

S Peyton Bowen

Playing five spots during camp?

“I’d say, honestly, it kind of helped. It helped me because like I’m playing strong (safety), but then if we get a new Cheetah in there, I’m helping the Cheetah know what he’s doing. That’s kind of like where I can see why they want me learning those positions because then whenever I’m like a leader, I can help out the young guys and be like, ‘Hey, you got this and you got this,’ and make sure we’re all on the same page.”

Helping Kani make the play?

“Shoot, I didn’t even know the ball was out at all. I came down and I see Kani with it, and I was like, ‘aye, fumble! Fumble! We got it!’ I didn’t even see the replay until the next day that he stripped it out, so that was cool.”

CB Kani Walker

Who he was as a freshman at Louisville?

“I would say when I got to Louisville I was just like very raw, if that makes sense. Yes, I was very technical because I was like training and stuff. I was training in high school until I graduated college, but I feel like I was very raw. So going in — and I was also the same way like Gentry — I wasn’t just a straight, full-blown hitter. I wasn’t none of that. I was going to break down and tackle you… P5… I would say Big 12 football, playing at Oklahoma definitely showed me what this is the league is about. This is what the league is about. So I’d just say, like, I was very raw. I was too raw to understand what technique was. I was just out there playing ball. So like now I’m coming to Oklahoma and I’m making the transfer to Oklahoma, it’s actually teaching me the game — why am I doing this? Why am doing that? Why am I doing this on third and two or third and one? That’s growth, honestly. That’s growth.”

WR Nic Anderson

Coming out party for you and Jayden Gibson?

“Me and Jayden, we were kind of feeding off of each other. He made his plays, and I made a couple of plays. We were just feeding off of each other energy-wise. You saw me talking to him after that one big play. We were just hyping each other up. It was a big game for both of us, I think.”

LB Kip Lewis

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