[17] Polk. Let's talk about COHEN! ...


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
So, I'm in the car heading to a meeting and I hear an interview of the UK version of Veasey on an afternoon sports talk show. Guy gives a great interview, by the way.

Host asks, "So what can you tell our listeners that State fans can expect with John Cohen at the helm. What stands out to you since you were around him a lot?"

UK Veasey Dude responds, "One of the biggest things about John Cohen that stands out to me is how intense he is. But not just intense for the sake of intensity. The guy is incredibly well-organized and prepared for everything. If you go into his office, the first thing you notice is this huge board that is filled with names of recruits by position with all of these stats and data on each guy. It's pretty incredible. I've never seen anybody as focused on recruiting as John Cohen. State fans should notice this immediately. I will say that Kentucky managed a big victory by holding onto [name of coach escapes me, but he's primarily in charge of recruiting] who will stay with Gary."

UK Veasey Dude goes on to relate the story on some pitcher Cohen got two years ago because Cohen gave this recruit a highly researched stat sheet showing that there were "9 left handers under six feet tall taken in the draft the year before, and 8 of them were college prospects." He shared this anecdote to drive him the point that Cohen is a recruiting animal.

I hate that UK's recruiting coach is not coming with him, but I have full faith that Cohen will get his man in place who recruits like hell.

I haven't felt this good about something happening at state in ... hell I can't remember the last time I felt this good about anything associated with state. Todd said it best. "FREE AT LAST!!!!"