I endorse this.
I'd also encourage folks to donate in support of an organization, Greek or otherwise, that is dancing at THON. The number of dancers that each organization gets next year is based upon how much that organization collects this year. And with the ending of caning, it has made it more of a challenge for these organizations to raise funds.
I'm partial to Lambda Chi Alph and to Pi Beta Phi. If you don't have an affiliation with a PSU organization that is dancing, I encourage you to designate your donation through one of those organizations. You can do so at the below links.
Join us in our commitment to turn childhood dreams into reality by supporting THON. This year, I am taking action by uniting with 16,500 student volunteers and over 25,000 alumni supporters in the fight against childhood cancer. Our year-long efforts culminate in a 46-hour, no-sitting...
Join us in our commitment to turn childhood dreams into reality by supporting THON. This year, I am taking action by uniting with 16,500 student volunteers and over 25,000 alumni supporters in the fight against childhood cancer. Our year-long efforts culminate in a 46-hour, no-sitting...
Prior THON web sites enabled you, when donating, to designate your funds as supporting a specific THON organization. That was changed a few years ago, so now you have to take some time and effort to designate your donation in support of a THON organization.
If you have an affiliation with an organization, Greek or otherwise, that raises funds for THON, and is not one of the two I listed above, do a Google search for "ORGANIZATION THON donation," and you should quickly find a link to an "ORGANIZATION - Donate to THON" page.
it's nice to support the organizations that do all the work to raise the funds, and the dancers that spend 46 hours dancing to get the funds to support the Four Diamonds organization.