Anybody have a good recommendation for an inshore (trout/redfish) fishing charter near 30A? My boys (10 and 13) are like to catch and cook. Would like to take them next week while we are there for a few days over spring break.
Good lord this board amazes me sometimes. You basically googled your best option for inshore @ 30A.
Granted 30A is a big stretch.
Assuming you are Grayton area, Choctawhatchee Bay may land some specks, reds are going to be hard to come by this early but we have had an early spring so maybe you get lucky. Dont worry about regs, your guide will have you set. Dont worry about Destin or PCB if you are going inshore,because you should be able to hook up. Honestly if you have boys and want to catch good tasting fish, you should probably hit docks for sheepshead.