These are the conditions where I excel. Normally, blading a ball, resulting in a low runner is laughed at. I’m just preparing for days like today. Suck it, wind.ought to be interesting.
There is nothing about my game that can be "depended "on .Depending on your hook or slice it might benefit you.
I remember those old balata balls back in the day. I'd slice open at least 3 or 4 every round with a thinned 4 iron. My buds and I called them "smileys."These are the conditions where I excel. Normally, blading a ball, resulting in a low runner is laughed at. I’m just preparing for days like today. Suck it, wind.
I'm gonna try to remember days like today come August 1st.Last night it rock and rolled through town. The wind kept waking me up, sounded like crazy **** was about to go down. 56 degrees when I went to work. An excellent day today.