I can take or leave Rick Reilly, but this is a good column:
bonedaddy401 said:sports cars, booze, alimony and legal fees can drain a person. Huh, who would have thought?</p>
RebelBruiser said:bonedaddy401 said:sports cars, booze, alimony and legal fees can drain a person. Huh, who would have thought?</p>
I've also heard that the leeches drain these players as well. For many of them, they have big families and a large group of "friends" that essentially drain everything they make. I've heard stories about Justin Reed having to basically give his paycheck directly to a money manager to ensure that he doesn't end up having other people mooch it off him. And apparently, he'd go out with some of his teammates who make more than him, yet he'd have to pick up the tab because they had other people draining their funds.
Irondawg said:Financial management should be required courses in Jr. High and HS and college should require Personal Finance and as require course.