Bashing Stans about Sharpe and other transfers and lack of a sweet 16 run...
Sounds like some posts on our board...
Sounds like some posts on our board...
BriantheDawg said:I agree that players may not get 'developed' under Stans,
Gordon and Rhodes going undrafted proves your point. Stans has gained the reputation of being a great recruiter from signing several players that never set foot on campus. And that overblown reputation makes some folks think he's not getting enough out of these "superstars". Reality is that he's getting good and sometimes very good players and they are progressing along just fine. Some are busts. Some turn out to be great ones. Just like at every school. Heck we've even seen evidence that the much talked about defections from Stans teams are not really even unique to us or any SEC team.It goes back to one solid truth: Rick Stansbury's recruit prowess is overrated.