A coach is a coach - the heck with OleMiss ties


New member
Feb 26, 2008
You people out there who don't want McDonnell b/c he was on staff with Bianco are idiots. The guy is a coach. He's from New Jersey, or New York. Do you really think he gives a crap about OleMiss right now???

He was on staff to coach OleMiss. He's now the Head Coach at Louisville.

The guy can flat out coach and recruit with the best of them.

It's absurb that there are people on this board that wouldn't hire someone b/c he was an assistant coach with Bianco. Frankly, i think Mike is a solid coach, and if he wants someone to be his assistant, then i take that as - he's one of the best. Bianco is a solid coach.

If Dan wants to interview, then i'm all for getting him here.

I certainly hope that all of us look at the bigger picture here. It doesn't matter who you are. If your the best candidate, then support him.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
It's like there are three groups of people:

You have the people that don't want someone because of their ties to Ole Miss.

You have the people that don't want someone because if their ties to State.

You have the people that have to have someone with ties to State/Polk.

All are equally silly.

In my opinion what we need is someone that is fairly young, has head coaching experience with success at a school that is in a major conference- SEC, ACC, PAC-10, Conf- USA (they're major in baseball), etc., is balanced as a coach- in other words does not focus more on pitching or hitting, but focuses on all facets of the game equally, is energetic, is an excellent recruiter and developer of talent, and is innovative. Since this is college baseball that we are talking about, they need to be able to communicate with our alumni effectively at alumni functions, is someone that is not going to embarass the MSU family with his actions off the field, and is going to make sure that the baseball team is doing what it needs to academically. They need to have an appreciation for MSU baseball- not that they necessarily have to have been a part of the program before. The new coach also must focus his efforts on making MSU baseball the premier baseball program in the state of Mississippi, the SEC, and the nation.

So, in my opinion the guys that best fit that bill are the same people that have been discussed on here ad nauseum- Cohen, Corbin, McDonnell, O'Conner, and Casey. Any of those coaches would be great for MSU. There are a lot that I didn't mention that would fit the bill as well- like Tom Walter at UNO. So, when I look at everything, I really feel like Cohen would be the ideal pick for us, although as I said I would not be opposed to someone like a McDonnell.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
We may be dreaming about getting some of these. It would be tough to win a bidding war against Louisville too.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
but I feel that we should be competitive salary wise with anyone as far as baseball coaches are concerned.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
McDonnell is the coach who recruited all the top players for Mike Bianco. Just think, McDonnell would love nothing better than to use his recruiting skills and coaching to run the Rebel program into the ground.</p>


New member
Nov 11, 2007
actually had ties to another SEC school prior to taking a head coaching job at another? at least in football?


New member
Jan 24, 2007
McDonnell would love nothing better than to use his recruiting skills and coaching to run the Rebel program into the ground.
I thought he left on good terms. I'm sure he would want to win but not sure he would want to ruin us.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
It's probably more obvious than you thought- Ron Polk at MSU and UGA, Pat McMahon at MSU and UF. And as assistants, you have Mike Bianco at LSU and Ole Miss, John Cohen at Florida and Kentucky, and Keith Madison at MSU and UK off the top of my head.

Football is very simple- Tommy Tuberville, Nick Saban, Gerry DiNardo, Steve Spurrier, Bill Curry, Lou Holtz, and then there was this guy named Bear Bryant.

And then you have a guy who coached football at one school and baseball at another- Dudy Noble.

The Lord Humongous

New member
Mar 1, 2008
...in Bianco and I think we know how much they despise the Tigahs. If I recall, the other options considered at the time were Smoke Laval who was then immediately brought back to Baton Rouge as an assistant and heir apparent to Bertman (much like McMahon coming back home from ODU) and Turtle Thomas who was an assistant at LSU at the time.

A good coach is a good coach is a good coach. If the Rebs can have 3 choices from a school they hate?...then MSU can damn well pick who MSU wants and get the 17 over the stupid *** hatred of where the guy used to coach. It's one of the only 2 or 3 things I can think of that UM has ever done that wasn't a stupid brain-dead decision. Hiring Tommy Tuberville was one. Hiring Houston Nutt is another. Bianco topped the list. Kennedy is a good one but they freaking lucked into him b/c he wanted the job. He doesn't count b/c that douche bag....er...AWESOME AD Pete Boone just flat lucked into him...and he still hasn't really done anything....yet.

That being said, this program can do better than Dan McDonnell, imo....but maybe not by much.