Abduction and stabbing of campus employee


Feb 24, 2008

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Mississippi State University police detectives are seeking information about two suspects in a weekend campus abduction, robbery and aggravated assault.</p>

The victim, an international employee, reported he gave a ride to the two suspects mid-day Friday near Aiken Village, a campus family residential complex. He was found later Friday in the Highway 25 South vicinity of Lake Loakafoma Road in Winston County. The victim sustained stab wounds requiring surgery, and he remains hospitalized.</p>

In the investigation ongoing since Friday afternoon, police have worked to gather details, including descriptions of the suspects.</p>

As reported by the victim, the first suspect is described as a black male 20-25 years old, approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing approximately 170 pounds with a thin build. He has a medium-to-dark complexion and a pronounced bottom lip and thin upper lip. The victim also stated the suspect has no facial hair but has braided hair extending to the mid-neck area.</p>

According to the victim, the suspect was wearing a chain with a large cross.</p>

The victim described the second suspect as a black male, 20-25 years old, approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds. He was described as having short, curly black hair.</p>

According to the victim, the two suspects had been walking along Collegeview Street prior to his encounter with them.</p>

MSU graduated more than 2,000 students last weekend and very few students currently are on campus, said Dean of Students Mike White.</p>

"We are aggressively pursuing this investigation and encourage anyone with information to call MSU police at 662-325-2121."</p>


Feb 24, 2008

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Mississippi State University police detectives are seeking information about two suspects in a weekend campus abduction, robbery and aggravated assault.</p>

The victim, an international employee, reported he gave a ride to the two suspects mid-day Friday near Aiken Village, a campus family residential complex. He was found later Friday in the Highway 25 South vicinity of Lake Loakafoma Road in Winston County. The victim sustained stab wounds requiring surgery, and he remains hospitalized.</p>

In the investigation ongoing since Friday afternoon, police have worked to gather details, including descriptions of the suspects.</p>

As reported by the victim, the first suspect is described as a black male 20-25 years old, approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing approximately 170 pounds with a thin build. He has a medium-to-dark complexion and a pronounced bottom lip and thin upper lip. The victim also stated the suspect has no facial hair but has braided hair extending to the mid-neck area.</p>

According to the victim, the suspect was wearing a chain with a large cross.</p>

The victim described the second suspect as a black male, 20-25 years old, approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds. He was described as having short, curly black hair.</p>

According to the victim, the two suspects had been walking along Collegeview Street prior to his encounter with them.</p>

MSU graduated more than 2,000 students last weekend and very few students currently are on campus, said Dean of Students Mike White.</p>

"We are aggressively pursuing this investigation and encourage anyone with information to call MSU police at 662-325-2121."</p>


Active member
Nov 11, 2007
The mayor and city/county (city mostly) police are going to have to address a growing/raging problem and address it pronto.

New leadership in the law enforcement area would be a nice start.

To keep this relative to MSU, any escalation of violence will only hurt MSU. It has already cost us a couple of pretty good football players.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
should have already been in jail for previous offenses. If you don`t already, start watching and see how many of these type crimes are committed by first time offenders. The problem is in and can only be cured by the courts.


New member
Feb 26, 2008
as far as the officials keeping things as quiet as possible. And I personally believe this type of thing is only going to get worse and more common. When it really starts to suck is if we lose our gun rights and these types start walking into our houses and picking out what they want without much worry of being blasted. Me, I'm considering Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, or some such place.


New member
Feb 26, 2008
are a dumbass. Why don't you stick to discussing what you know. Bad movies and homosexual behavior.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
If we could only get rid of our State Flag I'm sure all these little problems will go away.


Active member
Sep 14, 2003
It's everywhere. Crackheads in the cities, meth-heads in the country. And they all like to rob, steal, break in houses and shoot people. Nowhere's safe.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
as in people committing a robbery may now be more likely to kill someone to leave no witnesses, because they are going away for life either way. Let the minor drug offenders out, open up more space for violent criminals, keep those bastards longer.


Active member
Sep 14, 2003
are the ones most likely to walk into your house, break in your car or rob you. It's not like it is just some innocent toking. Once hooked, they use any means possible to get their hit. I've seen it in my own house and in my friends businesses, one of which has a hit attempted on it almost weekly.

And it is not just the crime itself, either, it is dealing with the possibility of having your identity stolen, placing fraud alerts on credit reports (making it difficult to purchase anything big-ticket), dealing with insurance companies that try to short-change you, and changing all your accounts. It sucks really.

I really despise a thief.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
not the ones who have committed other crimes. And mostly weed related offenses. People stealing to pay for a drug habit are a different category.

If I have to choose between thieves, rapists and murderers getting out early, or letting some guys with possession charges walk, I'll let them walk.


Active member
Nov 28, 2006
DirtyLopez said:
as far as the officials keeping things as quiet as possible. And I personally believe this type of thing is only going to get worse and more common. When it really starts to suck is if we lose our gun rights and these types start walking into our houses and picking out what they want without much worry of being blasted. Me, I'm considering Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, or some such place.

yep my roommate from State is HPD.....its crazy in the Burg

As far as guns, i have my street sweeper next to my bed </p>


New member
Aug 20, 2006
A few students were murdered during my time there. At least a couple non-student murders happened. My car was broken into twice off campus. Shots fired near my apt on N Montgomery St. More **** happened to and around me there than in a decade and a half since.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
was administered just right a lot of these people (black and white) wouldn`t show up again for their next at bat.


New member
Dec 22, 2006
America makes up 5% of the worlds total population. However, 25% of those incarcerated in the world, are incarcerated in America.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
in jail than 50% of the free population of the rest of the world. If we could adopt a few of the methods of punishment used by the other 95% of the world`s population I promise our crime rates and need for incarceration would go down.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
thatsbaseball said:
in jail than 50% of the free population of the rest of the world. If we could adopt a few of the methods of punishment used by the other 95% of the world`s population I promise our crime rates and need for incarceration would go down.

</p>because they actually kill people for crimes in other parts of the world. There are no endless appeals.


New member
May 1, 2006
do to the terrorists they catch. They certainly don't argue for due process.

The central problem with America is we have multiple Americas. We have a large group of people that believe that government should run everything, take care of everybody, and we shouldn't be harsh towards anyone for any reason. These same people don't advocate personal responsibility and are for socialist ideas like redistribution of wealth. Then you have another group with believes the government should play as little a role in everyday life as possible, that private industry drives the national economy, and that citizens have a right to protect themselves and people should be held reponsible for their actions. These same folks don't believe in overtaxing people who have done well for themselves. Then you have the really loony people on both sides. Through all of this you have corruption, hypocrisy, and unethical behavior. It's a wonder America is still around. If our founding fathers saw us now they would be shocked.