There’s nothing more fascinating than a deep dive into science. My favorite class at PSU was Organic Chem. I took it once, played around, got an F, took it again, got an A. Loved it. It took me a long time to figure things out, learn how the game works. Idiot.
I loved both organic chemistry and astronomy. My two favorite classroom subjects at Penn State. Organic chemistry sort of reminded me of math with requirement to do a lot of problem solving. My professor at the time, James Villafranca, won professor of the year in the college of science. I actually used to do extra problems in the textbook for enjoyment, which ended up helping me at test time and propelling me to straight A’s in the subject (all 3 terms).
I Needed one extra science elective my senior year to fulfill my all of my science requirements, so I said what the heck, why don’t I take astronomy. I took to the subject like a fish to water. I finally got to see where all the optical and light physics I had previously learned came in useful, as I thought previously who cares about this crap.
And yes the professor stated at the beginning of the course that it was going to be difficult and some might consider dropping the class if they thought it was going to be an easy elective. There were a lot of lost people in the class that was for sure. Not me, it was ridiculously easy to me and I don’t know why. An extremely fascinating subject that my mind just seemed to absorb. I always finished my tests first and usually by a large margin getting perfect or near perfect scores. I loved the course so much that I realized that had I had taken it earlier in college I would have definitely changed my major to astronomy. But one term away from graduation and with medical school starting a couple of months after my impending graduation, that was not going to happen.