Any Update on Dixon and the A's?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
Nice thread on Gene's about how $600,000 isn't that much money for someone living in the bay area of California. Finally, somebody pointed out that Dixon would not be living in Oakland, CA. Instead he would be living wherever the A, AA, or AAA minor league franchises are located. When he finally got to Oakland where the cost of living is high, he will be making at least the major league minimum.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
they would not have taken 600K coming out of high school If someone offered me 600K out of high school, I would not have had to think twice.
Aug 30, 2006
600K is plenty to have a comfortable life and invest a huge chunk of it while you are in the minors. If you make it, then you start making at worst league minimum and probably a good bit more. If you don't make it after several years, go back to school & you have plenty of money to pay for school & live on for a several years.

I happen to know a pitcher for the SF Giants that got drafted right out of HS (he dated my sister for a couple of years). Now he got $1.4M signing bonus, but he bought a modest condo and a nice used truck and pretty much socked the rest into investments while in the minors. Now, he has the big contract and has made it. I asked him one time about skipping college. His answer was "I have plenty of money to go back to school & get a degree if baseball doesn't work out. I have to take this chance while I have it to make a truck load of money."</p>


New member
Nov 13, 2007
The only reason I'm asking is because the lumber company I worked at in the past had a supplier whose boss was Matt Cain's dad.
Aug 30, 2006
How did you figure that out? I tried to be vague with the details by not mentioning hometown or HS or anything. Not that I really care that you figured it out, just surprised.


New member
Nov 13, 2007
I didnt think they could have that many pitchers with ties to the area. The summer I worked there was the summer that he had like 4 or 5 games where he carried no-nos into the 7th inning and one baseball guy on espn said he was the guy most likely to be the next Clemens. I know he has fallen off some since then but I got to be buddies with that salesman whose boss was Cain's dad so I have kinda followed him ever since.