Anyone ever have or know someone that had the white light experience (Death / Near Death) ?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
My Father did in 1983 changed his whole outlook and feelings to life ever since. If your interested I'll share the story.

Shabbat Shalom
I have never known anyone directly who I talked to first hand. Only read about some.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
I did not have a near death experience, but I will share this story which I believe I have told before.
In 1973 my wife needed to drop off some items at her Aunt's house. The house was on a corner with a main road in front and an intersecting street on the side. My wife was just going to be a few minutes so I parked on the side street, about 10 feet from the main road, and waited in the car. As I did, I kept hearing a voice in my head saying "move the car". I ignored it at first, but I kept hearing the words "move the car". Finally, I backed it up about 15 feet. Less than a minute later, a young kid, traveling at high speed, turned the corner, lost control, and plowed into the space I had just vacated. He came to rest about 5 feet in front of my car. The kid survived, but the police officer told me if I had stayed in my original spot, I would have likely been killed. Who told me to move? My Guardian Angel? That's my belief.

PrtLng Lion

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2021
I would like to read your story Mr Potter. I am one who believes there is something beyond physical death. Check out Raymond Moody's book Life After Life (and there are hundreds of others). People of all different cultures, religions, ages have had very similar experiences. Sam Parnia (emergency room doctor in NY ) has several books showing examples of people having these visions when there was no electrical activity in the brain.

@fairgambit My wife had a similar experience in Europe. She and a friend were about to cross a street in Madrid when she sensed something that just made her stop in her tracks. A car came flying past that would have surely run her over. She swears she had no knowledge of the cars presence and that a guardian angel held her back.

Mr. Potter

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2021
On a Sunday in 1983 My Father and His cousin Alan were in a building in Philadelphia that was being gutted. They were on the third floor of the building retrieving a wood lathe. My Father had to go to the bathroom, Alan directed him to the opposite end of the floor where the lavatory was. Very little light was available and mid way thru my Father dropped thru a hole in the floor were the elevator used to be.

As he states he immediately attempts to grab the floor but he missed that opportunity. Fortunately at the time he was 6'4 around 240 lbs in muscular shape so he prepared for the shock of falling three stories to the concrete below. Yelling all the way down.

He couldn't believe it but he gets up immediately. At least he thought he did. He explains he proceeded to leave his body and float directly up to the third floor to see Alan he could here him screaming and see him yelling at the window throwing debris to get someone's attention to call 911. He says he stayed at Alan's side till the paramedics came and they all went to the hospital.

My entire family, sans us kids, are at the hospital my Father is watching and listening to everyone and the Doctors said we are going to attempt emergency surgery but the reality is he isn't going to make it.

He said strangely as they take my body to the operating room he turns around to feel and see the most glorious white, warm light that ever existed. He was compelled to enter it.

The feeling he said wasn't quite orgasmic but intensely pleasurable. Along his travel within this light, he could feel and here his grandparents comfort him until he reached, what he describes as an Angel and or messenger.

The Angel gave him the option to stay or that he could go back but he would have to change and if he did he would do many good things. He said it was no brainer because of us children.

Just like that he was back waking up in his body in a full body cast (broke his back, ribs, etc.) He figured he was gone maybe a half hour, he wasn't he was in a coma for two weeks. That half hour episode occupied that two weeks in a coma. He claims time operated differently in whatever dimension he visited.

Suffice to say he sold all of his nightclubs and bars and became a humanitarian and most generous loving person I've ever known.

And that story always solidified my belief in the beyond.



Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
On a Sunday in 1983 My Father and His cousin Alan were in a building in Philadelphia that was being gutted. They were on the third floor of the building retrieving a wood lathe. My Father had to go to the bathroom, Alan directed him to the opposite end of the floor where the lavatory was. Very little light was available and mid way thru my Father dropped thru a hole in the floor were the elevator used to be.

As he states he immediately attempts to grab the floor but he missed that opportunity. Fortunately at the time he was 6'4 around 240 lbs in muscular shape so he prepared for the shock of falling three stories to the concrete below. Yelling all the way down.

He couldn't believe it but he gets up immediately. At least he thought he did. He explains he proceeded to leave his body and float directly up to the third floor to see Alan he could here him screaming and see him yelling at the window throwing debris to get someone's attention to call 911. He says he stayed at Alan's side till the paramedics came and they all went to the hospital.

My entire family, sans us kids, are at the hospital my Father is watching and listening to everyone and the Doctors said we are going to attempt emergency surgery but the reality is he isn't going to make it.

He said strangely as they take my body to the operating room he turns around to feel and see the most glorious white, warm light that ever existed. He was compelled to enter it.

The feeling he said wasn't quite orgasmic but intensely pleasurable. Along his travel within this light, he could feel and here his grandparents comfort him until he reached, what he describes as an Angel and or messenger.

The Angel gave him the option to stay or that he could go back but he would have to change and if he did he would do many good things. He said it was no brainer because of us children.

Just like that he was back waking up in his body in a full body cast (broke his back, ribs, etc.) He figured he was gone maybe a half hour, he wasn't he was in a coma for two weeks. That half hour episode occupied that two weeks in a coma. He claims time operated differently in whatever dimension he visited.

Suffice to say he sold all of his nightclubs and bars and became a humanitarian and most generous loving person I've ever known.

And that story always solidified my belief in the beyond.

Unbelievable story. I've always considered there are two brushes with death. The post-contemplated event where, BOOM, something happens, you survive, and you are left to take an inventory of your life. Something like surviving a serious car accident, an earthquake, etc.... This type of thing happens to many people.

The more rare brush with death is the pre-contemplated. I would love to know what the passengers of the plane that crashed landed in the Hudson were thinking for the 10+ minutes they glided to a controlled crash. I have to think that kind of experience is nearly as impactful as your fathers from a life-changing point of view. There was probably heavy bargaining going on with their respective high power.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2021
I read an account where someone was dead for like 30 mins and the came back. I’m sure it can be googled and found but the person had incredible detail and recall from watching the scene in the hospital for whatever happened to what happened when they went on to the other side. The one thing I distinctly remember is that they were transported to the beyond and that they were joined by someone although that person was never visible. They actually remembered watching their entire life be replayed and that they were calm and peaceful throughout. At some point, the person told him that he had to go back and he remembers seeing the doctors working over him as he had regained a pulse. The person said it was beautiful and that he had no anxiety or reservations when that time came.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
On a Sunday in 1983 My Father and His cousin Alan were in a building in Philadelphia that was being gutted. They were on the third floor of the building retrieving a wood lathe. My Father had to go to the bathroom, Alan directed him to the opposite end of the floor where the lavatory was. Very little light was available and mid way thru my Father dropped thru a hole in the floor were the elevator used to be.

As he states he immediately attempts to grab the floor but he missed that opportunity. Fortunately at the time he was 6'4 around 240 lbs in muscular shape so he prepared for the shock of falling three stories to the concrete below. Yelling all the way down.

He couldn't believe it but he gets up immediately. At least he thought he did. He explains he proceeded to leave his body and float directly up to the third floor to see Alan he could here him screaming and see him yelling at the window throwing debris to get someone's attention to call 911. He says he stayed at Alan's side till the paramedics came and they all went to the hospital.

My entire family, sans us kids, are at the hospital my Father is watching and listening to everyone and the Doctors said we are going to attempt emergency surgery but the reality is he isn't going to make it.

He said strangely as they take my body to the operating room he turns around to feel and see the most glorious white, warm light that ever existed. He was compelled to enter it.

The feeling he said wasn't quite orgasmic but intensely pleasurable. Along his travel within this light, he could feel and here his grandparents comfort him until he reached, what he describes as an Angel and or messenger.

The Angel gave him the option to stay or that he could go back but he would have to change and if he did he would do many good things. He said it was no brainer because of us children.

Just like that he was back waking up in his body in a full body cast (broke his back, ribs, etc.) He figured he was gone maybe a half hour, he wasn't he was in a coma for two weeks. That half hour episode occupied that two weeks in a coma. He claims time operated differently in whatever dimension he visited.

Suffice to say he sold all of his nightclubs and bars and became a humanitarian and most generous loving person I've ever known.

And that story always solidified my belief in the beyond.

That's a wonderful story Mr. Potter. Thank you for sharing it with us.
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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2021
I had a couple that still give me goosebumps. The first is when I lost my dog. At the end, our pal slept on the floor since she could no longer get up on the bed. It was the first pet that we had that both kids had the full experience of having a pet. When she left us, it was hard. That night, the wife and I fell asleep and we both woke up hearing the dog’s collar like we did so many times when our pal would scratch herself. We both bounced up at the same exact time and we both said we heard the collar sound only to see an empty floor space.

The other time was when my buddy and PSU roomie passed away a couple of years ago at 60. That night after he passed, I distinctly remember waking up feeling something. I looked down and distinctly remember seeing a hand resting on my hand. All I could see was a hand, nothing more nothing less with the hand resting on mine. A couple of weeks later I told my friend’s wife not being sure I should even say anything. I told her I was positive it was him and he was telling me that he was at peace and was ok.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
Not a near death or white light story but in the interest of adding to a thread about life beyond this one, I'll share a story about my wife. My wife and I are both Christians but my wife has what we call the gift of discernment (and a little more). She is frequently visited by spirits, beings or whatever you choose to call them. She usually only hears them talking to her but occasionally will see a physical manifestation. About 10 years ago she was a little worried because she was being visited by an old man that couldn't talk. She said each day he would visit her and he was trying to communicate something to her but he couldn't and he was getting more and more agitated. Then finally one day he physically pushed her and she told him that he needed to go and not to try to talk to her anymore. That night we were in our basement watching tv when we heard a loud punch and the sound of broken glass. We came upstairs to see a fist size hole in our microwave with broken glass all over the floor. The microwave hadn't been used and there was no earthly explanation. I guess the old man wanted to leave us with a parting gift.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2021
I had a couple that still give me goosebumps. The first is when I lost my dog. At the end, our pal slept on the floor since she could no longer get up on the bed. It was the first pet that we had that both kids had the full experience of having a pet. When she left us, it was hard. That night, the wife and I fell asleep and we both woke up hearing the dog’s collar like we did so many times when our pal would scratch herself. We both bounced up at the same exact time and we both said we heard the collar sound only to see an empty floor space.

The other time was when my buddy and PSU roomie passed away a couple of years ago at 60. That night after he passed, I distinctly remember waking up feeling something. I looked down and distinctly remember seeing a hand resting on my hand. All I could see was a hand, nothing more nothing less with the hand resting on mine. A couple of weeks later I told my friend’s wife not being sure I should even say anything. I told her I was positive it was him and he was telling me that he was at peace and was ok.
Here is an odd one if we’re talking about things like that. My mother died in 1996 and two years later my father passed. I returned home late the night that he passed away and the room available was his. Without really even thinking about it I went to sleep in his bed, exhausted from the 12 hour car trip back home with my brother. At some point in the pitch black darkness of the room I was awoken by my father in a clear voice say my name and, “It’s time to get to your own bed now.” I mumbled, “alright” and started to get out the bed before realizing what had just happened. I (who am not a person that spends time looking for signs or anything like that) took that figuratively to mean it was time to get my act together and start living my life with some direction. Two weeks later I went out on my first date with my wife (though she told me we were just going out as friends….) and life hasn’t slowed down since.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Man, there are so many premonitions and weird things happen with me I could write a book. I’ll just mention one with me, and then one pertaining to my Dad.

1.) Me: One November Saturday morning a few years back, I was driving down from the Buffalo area to one of our games. The weather was lousy. I was driving south on the stretch of 219 through Allegheny National Forest between the turnoff to Bradford Airport and the bottom of a long, steep, winding hill. The weather had turned into freezing rain, and the road was a sheet of ice. When I got to one of the blind, winding turns, I immediately got this premonition that a car or something else was going to come from the other side of the blinding turn and slide into me. I didn’t stop, but I slowed down, and got as far as I could to the right of the road without going off the berm. The road coming UP the hill in the other direction is two lanes (it has a passing lane). As soon as I got as far to the right as I could, a tractor trailer came around the blind turn fish tailing through all three lanes on the other side UP the road towards me. Luckily I had already taken evasive action and it just missed me. Just one of many premonitions I’ve had that I can’t explain.

2.) My Dad: I don’t even know where to begin here, but I’ll just lay one on you. The night my Dad passed away, I slept in his house. The next morning when I got up, I was going to go out and start his car that was still in his garage. I had taken my shoes off at the doorway the night before. When I went to the door and to put my shoes on, I felt something in one of my shoes. Couldn’t figure out what it was, but when I took the shoe back off to turn it upside down, his car keys fell out. I’m like WHAT???!!!! Called my sister and brother-in-law to see if they had stopped by to put them in my shoe while I was in bed ( they were the only other ones that would have keys to the house), and they both said they hadn’t been to the house since before he passed. Still can’t explain that one.

Well, maybe one more wrt my Dad. When I was handling his affairs and had to come up with his passwords, I would sit and concentrate, and they would come into my mind out of nowhere.

SOOOO much more where I can’t explain what happened and why, but I’ll just leave it here.

Tony 83

Active member
Oct 12, 2021
I am someone who doesn't doubt the "white light" experiences that people here and countless other places have related, but who tries to think about it as having a natural, and not supernatural, basis. I'm fascinated by the concept of "entheogens" - compounds that stimulate powerful thoughts and feelings of spirituality, like psychedelics. The ones we know about are products of fungi or plants (like LSD), but they bind to receptors in our brain, and those brain receptors must be there to interact with things already in the brain. I wonder if those are responsible for the some of these self-reported "out-of-body" experiences of a possibly oxygen-deprived or otherwise injured brain. Just food for thought.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
Summer before my jr year of HS I remember waking up just after midnight from a dream where 4 of my classmates were in a car accident and died. When I got up around 6 that morning to go to the barn my mom asked me about it and I told her what happened. By the time I got back up to the house she had WTAE news on talking about the crash that did actually happen just after midnight with 3 of the 4 girls that I saw in my dream dying.
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PrtLng Lion

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2021
I am someone who doesn't doubt the "white light" experiences that people here and countless other places have related, but who tries to think about it as having a natural, and not supernatural, basis. I'm fascinated by the concept of "entheogens" - compounds that stimulate powerful thoughts and feelings of spirituality, like psychedelics. The ones we know about are products of fungi or plants (like LSD), but they bind to receptors in our brain, and those brain receptors must be there to interact with things already in the brain. I wonder if those are responsible for the some of these self-reported "out-of-body" experiences of a possibly oxygen-deprived or otherwise injured brain. Just food for thought.
Fair point of view, given the inability to demonstrate repeatable physical/material evidence. But how do these visions occur in patients with ZERO electrical brain activity?

Maybe the idea of there being survival of consciousness needs to not be considered "super"natural, but rather natural. There are lots of things that exist that our 5 senses can't detect that are still "natural".
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Tony 83

Active member
Oct 12, 2021
But how do these visions occur in patients with ZERO electrical brain activity?

There are lots of things that exist that our 5 senses can't detect that are still "natural".
I don't know - do they occur in patients with zero electrical brain activity?

I guess I'm thinking that if "survival of consciousness" occurs (ghosts, souls, etc.), it should be something that nearly everyone experiences frequently. If not, why not? Is it something that can be measured? Is the brain capable of generating the perception of otherworldly phenomena on its own?

Obviously this is something we can't understand well currently. My approach is to think about it as something maybe we can explain as a property of our wonderful brains.
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PrtLng Lion

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2021
I don't know - do they occur in patients with zero electrical brain activity?

I guess I'm thinking that if "survival of consciousness" occurs (ghosts, souls, etc.), it should be something that nearly everyone experiences frequently. If not, why not? Is it something that can be measured? Is the brain capable of generating the perception of otherworldly phenomena on its own?

Obviously this is something we can't understand well currently. My approach is to think about it as something maybe we can explain as a property of our wonderful brains.
According to Sam Parnia books (like Erasing Death): YES, they have seen patients with zero brain activity come back and report these experiences.

Good questions, wish I had the answers. It doesn't seem to me like the brain could do this in patients who are clinically dead. And why would so many report nearly identical experiences with the bright light, life review, feeling of peace, communicating with dead relatives, etc.? Seems like a purely materialistic phenomenon would be much more random, no?
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Tony 83

Active member
Oct 12, 2021
According to Sam Parnia books (like Erasing Death): YES, they have seen patients with zero brain activity come back and report these experiences.

Good questions, wish I had the answers. It doesn't seem to me like the brain could do this in patients who are clinically dead. And why would so many report nearly identical experiences with the bright light, life review, feeling of peace, communicating with dead relatives, etc.? Seems like a purely materialistic phenomenon would be much more random, no?
I'm not familiar with the studies Sam Parnia has conducted, so I won't dispute them. If people "come back", were they ever "dead"?

I would think that, given brain physiology and biochemistry (the causes I posit for "near death" experiences) don't vary much among humans, that many of the experiences would be quite similar across human populations. I also think that stories people tell about such experiences that are reported widely tend to provide a framework upon other such stories are based, at least in the US/Europe. I haven't read these kinds of stories outside my cultural framework admittedly.

Materialistic phenomena are more interesting to me because they suggest a way of understanding them, but I realize that bumps up against religious/spiritual ways of understanding, which are comforting in a deeply human way as well.


Active member
Oct 13, 2021
My Father did in 1983 changed his whole outlook and feelings to life ever since. If your interested I'll share the story.

Shabbat Shalom

Early spring 1980 just before daybreak, I am suddenly awake but I do not know why. Sitting on the side of the bed, I can plainly envisage in my mind, people in white coats tending to a still figure on a gurney next to a fence. How does this activity mean anything to me -- I conclude that I do not know why.

Months later it is Thanksgiving Day 1980, late afternoon as I stand at the foot of the hospital bed of my Father. I am the only family member at HUP watching my Father slowly die from a failed open heart surgery. As I am asked, I make the decision to turn off the machines and watch as Doctors and nurses in white coats and hospital gowns tend to my Father - this still figure on a gurney - with machines and screens in the background.

It took me 2 years to come to grips with all of this, as I wrote an outline of this experience and stored it away for later. Little did I know, 2020 allowed me to write an essay about my Father and include this in my Book - 'The Value of Three Words' (Amazon) -- the essay is 'Never Say Goodbye'.


Oct 29, 2021
For those scientific folks on the Board, I would encourage reading Even Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven. He was a neurosurgeon who had a near-death experience and wrote about it. After reading it I began to read everything I could on the topic. His story, and countless others are very compelling. His was more religious than most, but 95% of NDE's claim the message of a very strong feeling of compassion and caring. In addition virtually all NDE's seem to have a life-review chapter. Prior to his NDE, Eben Alexander was absolutely convinced that a NDE is just chemicals released by a dying brain. He is absolutely convinced otherwise today.

BTW, about 5% of reported NDE's are not "good"--they experience a version of hell or something like it.

Coincidently, 5% of college football fans proclaim to be Ohio State fans. Like I said, likely just a coincidence.

Keyser Soze 16802

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
For those scientific folks on the Board, I would encourage reading Even Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven. He was a neurosurgeon who had a near-death experience and wrote about it. After reading it I began to read everything I could on the topic. His story, and countless others are very compelling. His was more religious than most, but 95% of NDE's claim the message of a very strong feeling of compassion and caring. In addition virtually all NDE's seem to have a life-review chapter. Prior to his NDE, Eben Alexander was absolutely convinced that a NDE is just chemicals released by a dying brain. He is absolutely convinced otherwise today.

BTW, about 5% of reported NDE's are not "good"--they experience a version of hell or something like it.

Coincidently, 5% of college football fans proclaim to be Ohio State fans. Like I said, likely just a coincidence.
Thanks! Just ordered a copy


Oct 12, 2021
On a Sunday in 1983 My Father and His cousin Alan were in a building in Philadelphia that was being gutted. They were on the third floor of the building retrieving a wood lathe. My Father had to go to the bathroom, Alan directed him to the opposite end of the floor where the lavatory was. Very little light was available and mid way thru my Father dropped thru a hole in the floor were the elevator used to be.

As he states he immediately attempts to grab the floor but he missed that opportunity. Fortunately at the time he was 6'4 around 240 lbs in muscular shape so he prepared for the shock of falling three stories to the concrete below. Yelling all the way down.

He couldn't believe it but he gets up immediately. At least he thought he did. He explains he proceeded to leave his body and float directly up to the third floor to see Alan he could here him screaming and see him yelling at the window throwing debris to get someone's attention to call 911. He says he stayed at Alan's side till the paramedics came and they all went to the hospital.

My entire family, sans us kids, are at the hospital my Father is watching and listening to everyone and the Doctors said we are going to attempt emergency surgery but the reality is he isn't going to make it.

He said strangely as they take my body to the operating room he turns around to feel and see the most glorious white, warm light that ever existed. He was compelled to enter it.

The feeling he said wasn't quite orgasmic but intensely pleasurable. Along his travel within this light, he could feel and here his grandparents comfort him until he reached, what he describes as an Angel and or messenger.

The Angel gave him the option to stay or that he could go back but he would have to change and if he did he would do many good things. He said it was no brainer because of us children.

Just like that he was back waking up in his body in a full body cast (broke his back, ribs, etc.) He figured he was gone maybe a half hour, he wasn't he was in a coma for two weeks. That half hour episode occupied that two weeks in a coma. He claims time operated differently in whatever dimension he visited.

Suffice to say he sold all of his nightclubs and bars and became a humanitarian and most generous loving person I've ever known.

And that story always solidified my belief in the beyond.

Wow! Thanks for sharing, Mr. Potter. That is one amazing experience.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2021
I had a similar experience during a screwed up by pass procedure.

I found myself above the OR lights looking down at my operating table. The doctor and nurses were busy, the monitor was beeping that “oh ****!” warning, the surgeon ordered the nurse to “get the cart”. A voice, not male or female just a voice, asked me “Do you want to go back?”. I told the voice yes, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the OR 24 hours after the surgery began. It ended up I had two 5+ hour surgeries in 24 hours.

My system had collapsed at some point during the process. The surgeon did not act surprised by what I told him. He said I had described what happened, but that it was not uncommon for patients.

I had always been scared of death. No longer.


Active member
Oct 28, 2021
I would recommend a pretty good book by Leslie Kean called "Surviving Death". It's an interesting read about whether consciousness survives death.

A story I can add is when I was around 17 my grandfather passed away. A couple of weeks later, I had a very vivid dream where I was the only one sitting in the funeral home and my grandfather was sitting up in the coffin having a relaxed conversation with me in perfect English. He spoke mostly Italian with some English thrown in. Never perfect English. The weird thing is I didn't find this dream disturbing or weird at the time or when I woke up. During our conversation he told me that he was fine and that he was happy to be spending time with his best friend who had been killed by a train. As vivid as the dream was, I related it to my parents and they told me that my grandfathers father had been killed by a train and that they had been very close. I had never heard that before. It was a very strange experience especially since I rarely remember dreams.

My rationalization for it was that shortly before his death I had visited him and he told me he had cheated on his diet. I didn't tell anyone and I was feeling guilty that maybe it had contributed to his death. Again, a rationalization on my part, but I kind of felt he was just letting me know that he was fine and not to worry.


Oct 29, 2021
As they say on SNL's close encounters, "a little different for me." Maybe this deserves its own thread.

First I want to say I have no relatives going back four generations from Croatia or the former Yugoslavia.

So years ago I took a bus into NYC for the day. Upon leaving, instead of the bus leaving Port Authority and going directly into the tunnel as usual, it went a few blocks to a different entrance. We stopped at a traffic light, and I immediately underwent a panic attack, which I never get. To my left was an Eastern European church, and I imagined I saw WW2 soldiers on the steps. They looked like Ustasi, who were so brutal some Nazis thought THEY were vicious. Since my vision was in black and white, I figured it brought up memories of a movie I had seen. When the bus pulled away when the light changed, I noticed the building was a Croatian Catholic church.

Years later I attended the funeral of the father of a friend. There were several sections to the Jewish cemetery, based on what countries the deceased were from. We entered through a back path, and after the ceremony we went out the front. Another panic attack happened as we neared a monument at the entrance. The monument was dedicated to Holocaust victims from Yugoslavia.

Incident No. 3 -- A coworker visited Croatia and put Croatian chocolate on the snack table at work. I had a piece, went back to my desk and a minute later discovered "blood" on my wrist. I said outloud that I don't know how I cut myself. A coworker laughed at me and said it was melted chocolate. It definitely looked red to me at first.

So, was I a Holocaust victim in Croatia who was "reborn" in 1949? The two panic attacks happened before I knew the Croatia connection.

By the way, about five years ago I took a river cruise on the Danube. Although I never walked in Croatia territory, the boat crossed between Croatia and Serbia several times. I felt perfectly fine when I was in Croatia waters.

PrtLng Lion

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2021
Fascinating stuff @Wex18 . I've read articles about other people who have reported similar types of experiences. Michael Newton was a researcher who performed past life regressions of patients under hypnosis. Checkout his books "Many Lives Many Masters" and "Journey of Souls".

A prof from U Virginia, Ian Stevenson, did a lot of research on children who told their parents all about past life experiences; information the child should have had no way of knowing, like places, people, etc. They went to the places the child described and found locals there who verified what the child claimed (inferring reincarnation).


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2018
I read a book like that Soul Survivor.

This is the story of James Leininger, who-- a little more than two weeks after his second birthday-- began having blood-curdling nightmares that just would not stop. When James began screaming out recurring phrases like, "Plane on fire! Little man can't get out!" the Leiningers finally admitted that they truly had to take notice.

When details of planes and war tragedies no two-year-old boy could know continued-- even in stark daylight-- Bruce and Andrea Leininger began to realize that this was an incredible situation. SOUL SURVIVOR is the story of how the Leiningers pieced together what their son was communicating and eventually discovered that he was reliving the past life of World War II fighter pilot James Huston. As Bruce Leininger struggled to understand what was happening to his son, he also uncovered details of James Huston's life-- and death-- as a pilot that will fascinate military buffs everywhere.


Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
A New Testament scholar/academic named Dr. Gary Habermas has done some research over the years into near-death experiences. He co-authored a book some years ago on the topic by the title Beyond Death, which I have not read. However, I have listened to a number of lectures by him on NDE’s via YouTube and podcasts.

He takes an interesting approach to NDE’s in which he cautions about the limitations of what we can actually learn from NDE stories that lack empirical verifiability. However, he argues that the NDE’s that come with scientifically verifiable evidence of no brain activity (pronounced dead while hooked up to monitors on hospital beds, for example), at least demonstrate evidence for consciousness beyond physical death.

Habermas also believes that materialism and scientific naturalism fail to adequately explain all near-death experiences. There are a number of well-documented NDE cases he cites in which people who were confirmed dead for a time acquire verifiable information about the physical world that otherwise would have been physically inaccessible to them to find. Such cases include resuscitated patients who report very accurately to doctors precise and unique details (not general things one could simply guess) of what was occurring in other rooms down the hallway of the hospital, which they were never physically in; or patients who report about seeing specific objects in places they could not have known otherwise, such as one case in which a patient in specific detail described a pair of tennis shoes he or she saw on top of the hospital roof, which was then subsequently found by personnel just as described; or patients reporting very specific details about what their family members were doing in the waiting lobby or what they were cooking at home at the time of death (again, with the kinds of details that would be extremely difficult to merely guess at by the patients).

If interested, his lectures are fairly easy to find on YouTube or podcast apps by searching his name and near-death experiences.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Not a white light example, but along the line of voices/visitation. It was the afternoon of the night my Mother died. My sister visited her in the care facility daily, which was by her home. She often ate dinner with my Mother. Sis asked Mom if they were going to dinner and my Mom said no she couldn't as she was going with that 'man'. Sis asked 'what man' and Mom said the one standing next to you. Of course there was no one there.
Mom passed in her sleep. She was a devout person of faith. There may be a medical explanation of sorts. She was not taking any drugs for or that may cause hallucinations, but suffered from emphysema. Her oxygen therapy had been at max for some time. We like to believe it was her escort. She deserved it.


Nov 2, 2021
I follow this phenomena daily on You Tube.

The night the sanctions were handed down on PSU my Penn State clock fell off the wall and smashed.

An elderly lady next door died , within minutes a picture fell off the wall in my son's room and smashed, he was asleep in his crib.

When my uncle died in Baltimore the volume on my TV maxed out while no one was in the room.

While my wife and i were looking for an apartment in the early 80's i hit a cold spot mid July. I asked the land lady" who lived here before " ? She said" funny you should ask he was killed in a car accident".

There are common occurrences with NDE , mostly white light, love, live review, meeting relatives and pets. It's very interesting.

Tony 83

Active member
Oct 12, 2021
Have any near death experiences been reported by people who might have been heading, like, the other way?
