So, I ambled into Liv Breads in Millburn, NEW. JERSEY. this morning to pick up some almond croissants and chocolate croissants (cwa-sonts; Come on.). As I’m leaving, a woman walks in wearing a University of Chicago sweatshirt. As I‘m wearing a PSU jacket, I immediately thought, “They aren’t lucky to be playing football like We Are!”
Walking to the car, I asked myself if we laugh at U. of Chicago or vice versa. After much internal debate, I’m quite certain that we laugh at them. In furtherance of this assessment, the woman in the U. of Chicago sweatshirt did not tell me to go f*ck myself.
That was my important topic for debate this morning. On to the cwa-sonts.
Walking to the car, I asked myself if we laugh at U. of Chicago or vice versa. After much internal debate, I’m quite certain that we laugh at them. In furtherance of this assessment, the woman in the U. of Chicago sweatshirt did not tell me to go f*ck myself.
That was my important topic for debate this morning. On to the cwa-sonts.