APR scholarship reductions released...


New member
Oct 10, 2007
Washington State loses 8 in football. Toledo 6 in football. That's the only other big ones I saw. Colorado State losing 2 in basketball hurts them pretty good as well.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
that's like losing 8.5 in football.

I wonder if a lot of players transfer with Polk leaving, how bad that would hurt us in the APR? I have a feeling basketball next year is going to be deadly.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
Does TN have a lottery? </p>Edit: Tennessee also lost 1 in Men's Basketball. I guess Hopson is back on the market? / sarcasm


New member
Jan 23, 2007
2 in basketball...That's pretty big.

VMI loses one in wrestling? I thought you pretty well made good grades there or they beat the hell out of you. Maybe if you are the big guy on the wrestling team, nobody is man enough to beat the hell out of you. Hell, that don't make no kinda sense.


New member
May 26, 2006
Also, the maximum is 10% of total schollies, rounded up to the next whole number for football & hoops....

Football: 9
Basketball: 2
Baseball: 1.7

That's the worst that can happen, scholarship-wise


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
for a transfer? There's nothing a school can do about it. Most of this APR stuff really misses the mark.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
and its pretty easy to obtain a scholarship from their lottery funded scholarships.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
I realize this is a softball type question but for some damn reason I can't find it on NCAA website. What is the overall GPA necessary to stay eligible? Also, does it work on a semester by semester basis? <--- meaning if you have a 1.0 this spring but an overall of a 2.9 after the semester....are you still eligible for fall sports if the overall requirement is 2.5?

As you can see here I am a bit confused. </p>


There's nothing a school can do about it
Perfect backward logic by sheep
Coach is a good coach
Good coaches dont make mistakes
therefore its not Coach fault
therefore the system is unfair

Just subistitute Stans or Polks name for "Coach" and you have that particular versions of a sheep's argument. And of course the counter is....Other people play by the same rules and they seem to be doing ok.

Never fear though because Dawgbreeze has already told us that losing a scholarship isnt that big of a deal. Three years in a row and you get banned from post season play though. I wonder if that is a big deal?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
a student may transfer. I agree with 8dog that you should not punish those that transfer. I really think the APR is a horrible idea to begin with.


which is why they do it over 4 years, and they dont punish you after one transfer.
The NCAA has a vested interested in making sure colleges dont act like Junior colleges.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
players leave for a number of reasons. I don't really know what all that garbage was that you typed in response so that's all I can add to that.

As for 1 scholly in basketball, dawgbreeze is 100% correct. Aside from encroaching on the 3 year rule you cited, its not that big of a deal. We've had fewer than 13 legit scholarship players many years. And we didn't get punished this year so what's the concern with the 3 year rule all of the sudden?
Aug 30, 2006
like DS & 8Dog said, schools & coaches have very little they can do about a player that wants to transfer. Furthermore, it would seem that the NCAA would not want to punish a school for an athlete that wants to transfer to another school where he/she will be happier. After all, the NCAA is all about the student part of student athlete. In my mind, an athlete would be more prone to try to stay in academic good standing if they are at an institution at which they want to be playing a sport.</p>

If the players weren't staying eligible or graduating or were transferring because they were academically ineligible, then the coaches & schools would be at fault. Players who are in academic good standing that transfer b/c they feel it is in their best personal interest are not the fault of the school or coach and they should not be punished.</p>


who are going to take it to the edge of the evelope and beyond.
Everyone on this board has said that there is a problem with our transfers.
Now the NCAA just validated it IS a problem.
Why is this a surprise? Why is the NCAA being unfair?

Here is a solution, dont coach the team like its a Junior college. Colleges are supposed to offering an education for playres hard work. Not a two year try out.

You shouldnt need to have a rule that a player cant get 36 hours in a summer either. Its a stupid rule, but they had to pass it because of RW and Stans.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
myself included feel like transfers are a problem b/c of the way he coaches or handles players. Its not good but its not the NCAA to come in and tell him how to coach. If the Delks want to transfer b/c they want to play more up tempo, then should stans have to change the way he coaches b/c of the APR? If Ben wants to transfer b/c of the way Jamont is allowed to do whatever he wants, should stans have to change the way he coaches? Hell no. This is supposed to be about academics, not player happiness.

And in the end, Rick is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. For example, what if you have another Robert Jackson situation...stans now has to keep the guy on to satisfy the NCAA even though all his teammates wanted him gone and he was considered a poison?

None of this makes much sense.


the NCAA gives you a range over 4 years. So instead of comming in weeding through all the BS reasons for transfers they give you an allowance to accomodate a certain number of transfers for "reaons not related to the school or coach". After that you get penalized.
So what is your argument?
Stans isnt malicious, just too stupid or incompetent to live within the guidelines? Or he is just a victim of circumstance?
What do you want them to do? Put in a "victim of circumstance" rule? where they can come investigate and give waivers?
Here is a news flash for you, it wouldnt be MSU getting those waivers anyway. It would be the big money schools. The NCAA would turn a blind eye to Kentucky and punish MSU anyway.
At least here EVERYONE has to live by the same rules.
Stans needs to learn to.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
don't penalize schools for transfers at all. I'd be stunned if the APR, meant to reform, significantly changes the number of transfers.

What would you suggest Stans do to prevent people from transferring?
Aug 30, 2006
Transfers out of the program are a problem, but they are not a problem that the NCAA has any business punishing us for. Unless I'm forgetting someone, every last player transferred out in good academic standing and, so far at least, they have all graduated or are still in good academic standing at their current institutions. In other words, they have gotten or are still on track to get a degree which is what all this APR ******** is supposed to be about in the first place.

Yes, there is a problem between Stans and a good number of his players lately. However, that problem has nothing to do with academics. Therefore, the NCAA is wrong on this part of the APR equation.


like he has then fine, then he needs to find a way to stop recruiting kids who never see the floor and leave...hell there have been just as many of those as there have been the Delks, Ervin, Jackson, Hans etc, etc.
He cant do both because we look like a JUCO with the MSU logo taped on.
He gets paid a Million dollars a year to be his fault.
So its his fault and he gets paid enough to figure it out.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
"then he needs to find a way to stop recruiting kids who never see the floor and leave"

Its impossible to be a perfect recruiter. To suggest that he just never recruit someone that won't pan out is patently absurd. Second, why doesn't the ncaa just limit the no. of scholarships basketball gets? With 13 scholarships, there is always going to be one or two guys that just don't play.

"He gets paid a Million dollars a year to be his fault.
So its his fault and he gets paid enough to figure it out"

I agree that he needs to figure it out b/c its now the rule. I just think its an awful rule and there is nothing he can change that will prevent transfers. Nothing.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
so if the player is on track, it doesn't count against you.

I would guess that keeps you from forcing players who are doing poorly to transfer out in order to skirt the rules.
Aug 30, 2006
run more before or after practice.....maybe make them run for several hours non-stop if they mention transferring.

Seriously, if a guy has ridden the bench for 2 years and knows he isn't going to ever play significantly, then why in the world should the NCAA care if he wants to transfer to a smaller school where he has a chance to play? Again, none of these transfers have been academic casualty types, just guys wanting to go where they had a chance to see the floor more often than at the last 45 seconds of a game we are winning by 20+ points.

Again, I agree that the high number of transfers of starters is a problem, but it is a school problem, not an NCAA problem. The APR itself is a good idea in principle....it is ****-tastic in execution.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
gets 2 possible points. 1 for staying academically eligible and 1 for staying in school.

But let's face it, if a player wants to transfer, what more can a coach do than ask him to finish out the semester. After that, its up to the player whether he wants to go to class or not. He has to sit out next year anyway so its not like he has to be eligible to play the next year.

And what about a guy that is going to make millions at the next level, do you think they are concerned about going to class? Do you think Derrick Rose has been hitting the books pretty hard this spring?


New member
May 26, 2006
that's a good thing. And, Murray says Jamont *may* have accumulated enough hours to still be eligible if he decides to come back.