Aren't cigarettes cheaper than bullets?


Feb 15, 2007
that you better be strappin' in jaxon. All kidding aside, you do NOT give a short or curt answer to the random a'hole.

edited to add: This wasn't about a cigarette. More like a attitude or territory check. Somebody was tryin' to be "Somebody."

Away from the G'sta areas and/or the crack alleys....Jackson is pretty safe. Just car burglaries and "victimless" breakins. Oh yeah, lock your car at all times...make sure no one is following you home from the grocery store, and do Not go outside at 4 in the morning when you hear someone in your garage stealing your car......uuhhhhh nevermind. The cost of real estate has gone down in Madison County.

And I work ALL areas of J'town every day. Be aware all of the time.