157 is ugly is Bearclaw is the best we got
I've said for a while, service kids can make good kids look bad and bad kids look good at times.
I saw Hartman for the first time a few years ago at EIWAs and he was impressive as hell. But he's got holes in his game that Barraclough never got to. But he's not the first good wrestler to get worked by that kid on top.
The next time they meet that result could be different - its not HS where a major that indicates dominance that is hard to overcome. Heck, it could have been different with a different choice in the 2nd in this one.
I wouldn't throw in the towel after a bad result against a service kid first time in front of a big crowd at home. Coming off illness.
Some of you that know me may know that in that same EIWA tournament that I first saw Hartman, a rsFR wrestler pretty much handled an Army kid to punch his ticket a couple of months after getting mauled - really mauled - by the same kid in his first match (also off of a little layoff). I was first row (well, on the barricade) to root him on. And he didn't even have the benefit of the PSU room or staff to pull that off.
**** happens against service kids. Unless you're elite. Which is not the expectation for BearClaw at this point.