First , missed all you guys on this board and others. Even the grammar police and the I wrestled in high school so I know it all crew! Lmao ! Kidding!
Had some serious med l issues but I m just about back. Puts life in perspective. Wrestling has helped me get through this and following all the great comments on these boards has helped. Thank you all. I think I ve seen every college match wrestled this year and been following even more closely if that s possible. So one good thing came from it!
Back Just in time for the “ process” to complete itself in March!!!! Trust it and Cael! My Blue and White optimism only grows stronger this time of year. Regardless of where it leads. At the end of the day I guys will leave it all out there! Fight! This one will be close w the most variables I ve seen maybe ever! But I have no doubt Cael, the staff and team are up to it. So Let s Go! All in ! Support all our guys!
Thanks for doing those preseeds! It s a great place to start discussion / build up for the greatest 4 weeks in sports imo. Back in the day it was the EWL and no Cael was not the coach! Lol. But it got real!!!! Very real!!!!
I m glad you prefaced your preseeds w “ my gut” as I m sure you ll get many varied opinions including my own. But I must say you are in the ballpark in “most” weights! Tough job and well done!
Hope all of you have been Well! All the best! Sunny Abe keep the faith!
Sincerely , LI Lion Bev
Warning Long Ps -
Sunshinedyno ,
let s start w 285!? Rationale?
And Caffey 1? Also, I think it goes Barnett , Drew , Schroeder at 125. I think u r underselling Romero , I have him 3.
And who s this Berge kid for us at 157?
Lol.I think he deserves the 14th seed! ( wink wink) . I like CStar s position . Kem s shoulder looked really bad yesterday? I hope he s ok. Agree w SeaBass at 3 but is he injured? Didn t wrestle vs Columbia after the Princeton match and looked like he tweaked that knee, looked serious but ?. Anyone have info? Would hate to miss an Eierman - SeaBass semi even if the Riddler is in his 8th yr of college?
Speaking of the Hawks( for all you Iowa guys on the board I say the following in fun not personal just wanna keep that rivalry going ! )
I ve enjoyed your teams: “ tough” perimeter wrestling , fleeing the mat and or push outs ?, The relentless pursuit of the spiral stall ride, The offense at 149 , 157 , 184, 197 is something to behold- breathtaking stuff, fans legendary role of yelling stalling w their fist up- do they actually watch the matches as their guys do nothing ( edit - that was harsh, they do go heavy on the head, wrestle out of bounds , slap and scream when about to be pinned And your coaches corner sideshow is unrivaled thankfully . so I apologize they don t “do nothing” )
Finally , in case anyone hadn t heard you have won more national titles! ( do not look at the scholarship allocation during this period however as there is nothing to see there - lol) Through all this I still kinda like the Brands brothers. They love their team and want to win as bad as we do! Their methods ? But whatever. It s just nice to see Iowa relevant again after an 11 or 12 year hiatus. So Good Luck Hawks. Gonna be a battle ! Bring it! Will be “ fun”!
I like our chances!
Let s Go !!!!! Trust in Cael.
Will post my preseeds this w end not that they matter or anyone cares.
Main thing - good health to all and be well.
Let s Go!!!!!