A couple of guys in Georgia claim they have captured a Bigfoot.<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article4531119.ece">
"Announcing their find, the cryptozoologists said that the creature was seven foot seven inches (2.31m) tall and weighs over 500lb (230kg). It is has both human and ape-like features and - as its nickname suggests - huge flat feet measuring 16-3/4 inches (42.5 cm) in length. "
"Announcing their find, the cryptozoologists said that the creature was seven foot seven inches (2.31m) tall and weighs over 500lb (230kg). It is has both human and ape-like features and - as its nickname suggests - huge flat feet measuring 16-3/4 inches (42.5 cm) in length. "