Britany Greiner is being detained in Russia for carrying a product that contains canabis. This is the third week she is being detained. Russia has strict laws on importing and exporting of illegal drugs. Whether everything that you read is true is questionable. But if the dogs they have sniffed it out in her bags that is a serious issue for BG. She is facing a 7 - 10 prison sentence if she is found guilty. On the side of our government well with all the issues going on in the world our leadership and the people in the State Department are considered as weak by the views of the Russians. But if she can hire a good Russian lawyer (which will cost her a lot of money) she will be able to get off. Corruption, greed and bribes are a constant thing in Russia, the Middle East and other countries. Hopefully she can find someone that she can pay off. Lastly the Russians do not care if she is an elite Female basketball player, they do not care. Since she played in the professional Russian Female basketball league hopefully she can get a good Russian lawyer. Only time will tell.