buy/Sell: Fire Polk for running a corrupt program


New member
May 1, 2006
Quote:_________________________________________________"But based on what we have been able to find out so far, there is no basis for these allegations whatsoever."_________________________________________________
Yes there is. The NCAA has tired of Ron Polk's complaints. They have decided to run a smear campaign. Just what we needed, thanks Ron. Can you try to take on the IRS next?


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
..Do you think Polk's view on the NCAA's attitude toward college baseball is correct?


New member
May 1, 2006
Polk is correct. College baseball receives a screw job by the NCAA without question. However, my contention has been Polk spending so much energy complaining to the NCAA while simultaneously coaching at Mississippi State. Now, after years of enduring his complaints, they appear ready to deliver a b-slap to Mr. Polk.

When Ron retired in '97 to take on college baseball, I was all for it. However, when he tried to take them on as coach at MSU, I have a problem with that.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
how many of those teams are lottery schools?

I really don't know, but I'd guess half of them at least were not, and I haven't seen their coaches tilting at windmills.

I do believe this is why the NCAA is looking into this, not because we are behind it, as GP is claiming.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I seriously doubt that as well. Who goes out and tries to turn in someone for baseball?

This appears to be nothing more than the NCAA taking a shot at Polk for his countless shots at them.

And I agree with his complaints about scholarships, lotteries, etc., but I also think he should back off if he's going to be a coach. If he wants to retire and lobby full time on behalf of college baseball, then go ahead. The allegation of practicing too long is one that the NCAA can't really prove, but it's also one that Polk can't really disprove. Thus, it's a smear tactic to try to get Polk to leave them alone. Nothing will come of it because the NCAA won't be able to prove anything, but they'll get what they want and put just a little bit of tarnish on his reputation by casting doubt on his practices as a coach.


New member
May 1, 2006
Quote:_________________________________________________I do believe this is why the NCAA is looking into this, not because we are behind it, as GP is claiming._________________________________________________
I don't see any good reason for OM to be behind it anyway. Bianco outrecruits Polk right now, and he has beaten him badly the past few years. If I was OM I wouldn't worry about Ron Polk, in fact I'd want him to stick around as long as possible.

No, clearly this is the NCAA getting tired of Polk and deciding to take him down. Practicting too long? Seriously? That stinks of trumped up charges.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
Baseball is one sport that doesn't bastardize our universities by using them as farm leagues, cheapening our degrees. College baseball is the one sport that's played by true scholar-athletes. It's also the only sport where nobody is concerned with "the kid's education" when they're drafted and signed by the pros.

One of the reasons baseball is still relatively pure is because of the scholarship limitations. A dumb jock athlete would be better served getting on with his life and earning money in the sport he loves, instead of going through the sham of taking low-level classes that he can barely pass.

If you think going to college makes a professional athlete stronger, then explain to me why the MLB player's union is one of the smartest, best unions there is, while the NFLPA and the NBA Unions get abused every time at the bargaining table.


Active member
May 1, 2006
Quote:_________________________________________________I seriously doubt that as well. Who goes out and tries to turn in someone for baseball?_________________________________________________

Lonnie Tinkle's Last Stand?


New member
May 2, 2006
This just sounds really weird. Practicing too long? How would anyone know unless someone from some other institution was spying on MSU? Or maybe the NCAA was spying? <Black helicopters>

I bet what is happening is somebody within the baseball program alumni wise is tired of Polk and they don't think he is going to leave any time soon, so I think that might be who is behind this. Think about it- this isn't a particularly damning violation, not enough to get the program shut down or anything like that, but enough to lose a scholarship and put Polk in a bad light. Part of his image with the sheep is that he runs a squeaky clean program. If there is anything to this- which I doubt- then that would be another arguement for getting rid of Polk, which will probably help fuel the fire even more after we get swept by Ole Miss and miss the SEC Tournament again. <Black helicopters II>

I don't think the NCAA gives a crap about Ron Polk. He can't do anything to them except write long letters. I'm sure they go in the trash.

Oh, and sell because I just don't think there is anything to this, unless my second theory is correct and they know something and Polk is lying and can prove it.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
Quote:_________________________________________________The allegation of practicing too long is one that the NCAA can't really prove, but it's also one that Polk can't really disprove._________________________________________________

I was actually thinking about that. If the NCAA is really taking this seriously, they could probably read Gene's articles on all the practices which generally at least tell you the length of a scrimmage.
Jun 4, 2007
i think everyone that follows msu sports knows that the NCAA doesn't have to prove anything. they just do whatever the hell they want.

Three Putt

New member
Nov 15, 2005
than a commie double play: Taking out the sexually ambiguous leprechaun by using The Barnhill Report to do it.

How incredibly sweet would that be?


New member
Jun 25, 2006
I said yesterday on here that, I figure it's a pissed off transfer or something like that.


The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
not just for our baseball program but for every team that has ever come under scrutiny. They come up with some accusation, throw it out there in the media, and then it is up to the institution to prove it wrong instead of them having to show their proof that it is right. Maybe we will at least get another Zena Reb out of this, or whatever her name was that was banging the NCAA investigator. She made for good board material for awhile.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I think pissed off transfer makes the most sense. The whole think is pretty ridiculous. 36 inning scrimmages? That's 4 full games!


New member
Feb 26, 2008
I went to a scrimmage the Friday before the season started and it lasted 2 hours and 45 minutes. A 36 inning scrimmage is one of the most obsurd things I've ever heard. A 36 inning scrimmage would last like 12 hours


New member
May 1, 2006
Unfortunately for us, the NCAA doesn't have to prove anything. They throw allegations out, we then have to disprove them. Worse yet, we have to argue our case to a portion of the NCAA. Yep, that's clear unbias there.

Again, this is why taking on the NCAA is not really smart. Once they decide to take someone down, they will. It may take some time, the allegations may be completely absurd, but they have the power.


New member
May 2, 2006
Maybe. I know that he wasn't happy about having to compete for his spot in the rotation coming off of surgery.

I don't know how disgruntled Buncky or E-Rut were.

Wouldn't that be something? Buncky Kateon could end up saving MSU baseball.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Quote:_________________________________________________Again, this is why taking on the NCAA is not really smart. Once they decide to take someone down, they will. It may take some time, the allegations may be completely absurd, but they have the power._________________________________________________
Two words. Jerry Tarkanian.


New member
May 2, 2006
You're right, you don't piss on the NCAA.

Polk's vigilantism is going to ruin him at MSU one way or the other. Either he will get fired for focusing too much on the NCAA and not enough on his team winning or the NCAA will take care of him for us.
Oct 14, 2007
But this feels a little bit like the NCAA's vendetta aGAINST Jackie to me. Like several have said, you don't piss off the NCAA. Because eventually, if they want to, they'll get you. And they don't care how they do it. Overall, the NCAA didn't have much at all on Jackie. I don't think they'll have much, if anything, on Polk. But they'll open a damn regional office in Starkville and leak all sorts of ******** to the media. The black cloud of the investigation will be worse than any actual sanctions that are levied, similar to football. Why? To get one man: Ron Polk. The parallels are just a little eerie and makes me very uneasy. Time to cut bait with Polk to stave this off. Greg, make the call. Bring home Cohen.

The Lord Humongous

New member
Mar 1, 2008
This smells a lot like a disgruntled former player type of accusation.
(edited to add)...and never mind. There I go not reading the rest of the thread first. My bad.


New member
May 1, 2006
Quote:_________________________________________________Jerry Tarkanian_________________________________________________
Exactly. They eventually got the Shark. As someone else said, it might be time to suggest that Polk ride off into the sunset for the good of MSU baseball.


New member
Jan 24, 2007
Quote:_________________________________________________Polk said that's nonsense; the longest practice games he recalled were 18 innings that often started pitch counts at 2-1 or 3-1 and had six-out innings. "I can play that type of game in about three hours or less," he said._________________________________________________

I don't know much about college baseball practice, but this quote struck me as odd. And it would make the 36 inning practice 6 hours using Polk's estimate and this format.


New member
Aug 16, 2006
Quote:_________________________________________________Two words. Jerry Tarkanian._________________________________________________

They may both be vocal in their opinions on the NCAA. Their situations are vastly different. Tark left 3 schools on probation. These are the only allegations I can remember ever being brought against Polk.

Three Putt

New member
Nov 15, 2005
some group on the inside wants cholk gone bad enough risk NCAA sanctions in order to get rid of his ***? Do you think it would take something that bad to force him out?

rebel law

New member
Jun 4, 2007
Two more words.. Jackie Wayne. Sure the end result may have been nothing but they still make his life and his program's a living hell for about 3 years. Thanks Xena!


New member
May 2, 2006
I think it would take Polk having a losing season this year, including getting swept by Ole Miss at home and the Gov. Cup as well as missing the SEC Tournament. All are not outside the realm of possibility from what I have seen so far.

That said, Polk has proven that he can perform some miracles to. See the CWS last year and the 2005 SEC Tournament.

I think that any sanctions brought forth or even an investigation would take out the "he runs a clean program" gun that his supporters would use. The thing is, even though these allegations are probably BS, at least in my opinion, there's no telling what the NCAA might find that Polk really is doing wrong, and we get nailed on that.

Remember- how did we ultimately get rid of LT? It was brought to light that he was using scholarship money to pay off JWS. This might be the beginning of the end for Polk. Also, by doing this, it might prevent Polk from naming his successor, so we could be saved from the Raffo era as well.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
.........not because I didn't agree with him, because I do, but because he he has used MSU baseball in a way that's unacceptable to me. People will argue against this notion since we made it to Omaha last year, but I still believe that his crusade has kept us from being a better program than we've been overall since his return.

So, it doesn't surprise me one bit that the NCAA is going after Polk. I've never heard of such nonsense, and that has to be what it is. Honestly, who cares about college baseball? The NCAA especially has shown how little they care about it, so why would they be so concerned about a ridiculous accusation that Polk practiced too much? They wouldn't. It has everything to do with the NCAA having heard enough from him and they want to shut him up. The BIGGER problem is the MSU baseball program will be hurt as an innocent bystander from the war being waged against Mr. Crusader.


May 1, 2006
Quote:_________________________________________________some group on the inside wants cholk gone bad enough risk NCAA sanctions in order to get rid of his ***? Do you think it would take something that bad to force him out?_________________________________________________

I hate to say it, but this seems very believable to me. I can't see a screwed over player bothering to contact the NCAA. There are enough hardcore MSU baseball fans upset at Polk and his crusade while the school up the road is consistently knocking on Omaha's door. The allegations may have been filed before the miracle postseason run of last year. If someone on the inside did turn us in, man, that's hardcore.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Each day before practice, posted in the freshman players dorm and at the entrance to DN is the day's schedule. It is marked with beginning times (to the minute) and each segment of practice is marked with a time (again, to the minute).

Even though it is typed and probably not saved on a word processor, a copy is saved in Polk's files.

The practice times are posted for the public to see so don't believe he's that stupid.

As for Matt Lea, he participated in NO fall 2007 practices at MSU. It's also not his style nor is he mad at anyone. He made a change because he thought his opportunities would be better elsewhere. Some of the current players are his best friends. Not logical.

More logical would be someone like Leon Farmer that practiced last year, red shirted, then got the boot after another fall practice. Knowing Leon, that's not his style either but there are others in the same situation.
Probably not the player but the player's parent.
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