1. the "dude" is due for a significant facelift. there needs to be a plan in place to extend the chairbacks, add skyboxes, create a terrace in right field, etc. put a plan out there for the public to see, get an estimate, and see what kind of funds come in. it doesn't all have to be done at once. it's just good to have a plan, and it creates excitement.
2. sure, i'd like to see scott field expanded, but i don't see an logical reason to justify it. how many games have sold out since the latest expansion? it's already embarrassing to see 10K empty seats, and we have to rely heavily on visitor's fans to even come close to a full house. why add more?
3. a basketball practice facility is way down on my list, probably because it doesn't benefit me at all as a fan. i also have a hard time seeing how this could be justified. does the team really need it to get better, will it just be a recruiting tool, or do the players want somewhere to goof off without having to deal with other students? how much does the football team use the area in the shira fieldhouse? it's been years since i went in there, but isn't there about half a football field in there? couldn't some of that be converted to a basketball practice area now that we have the palmeiro center for football?