Yeah, I have heard some things that weren't really true come from the lion ambassadors that weren't correct. However, their job is to sell the school and bring high energy on the tours. No matter where you are touring I am sure there are some truths being stretched. You are never going to really know about a place until you are there in the day to day grind. Applies to everything in life(jobs, orgs, neighborhoods, families, etc). I think instead of touring campus with the lion ambassadors the better option would be PSU "Spend a Summer Day" program. Hopefully they return this summer but prospective students spend the day on campus and can explore many different colleges and programs, talk with professors, etc. Each college has a presentation about them(Like Bellasario, Ag Science, IST, Engineering, Lib Arts, etc) they can they talk to advisors/profs if they have certain questions about their programs. Part of this is exploring campus going from college to college. Not sure if they get to see the dorms but I am sure they are also giving tours during these events.