About the ingrained part?
Claiming an equivalence that US for profit companies encourage their employees to act unethically or illegally is beyond laughable.
Not sure of your background or experience in the corporate world but it's pretty litigious and lawsuits cost money which hurts the pockets of your greedy capitalist boogieman. Are there plenty of examples of crooked companies or lone wolves.....sure....but in the US it's not state sponsored and it's overwhelmingly the exception to the rule....gheesshus.
My initial comment on this topic was in response to the observation that lying and stealing are seen as virtues in China.
I think both of those thing are celebrated in US culture too, and could confidently supply years and years of examples.
Successful lying and successful stealing are celebrated by promotion, compensation, and election.
Whether its lying thru omission or intentional obfuscation in order to get an agreement, or telling someone lies to get them to do what you need while valuing the short term over the long term, or taking information created by someone else and passing it off as your own or using it instead of doing your own work - successful lying and successful cheating are absolutely celebrated in the US.
They are valued characteristics because we have, in general, allowed results to overshadow ethics.
You are talking about IP and I am just talking about perspective and ethics.