Came across this, and when I saw the "headline" I was immediately pissed. Watching the video, seems like a giant waste of money. First off, it's impossible to make anything look legit when you're painting entire walls orange. Looks like a daycare. Secondly, I see a couple of photo studios (which are just rooms with backdrops) and a few conference rooms. Really?? I don't know what I thought it could be at first, but I was thinking something better than this. Honestly just looks like they had offices there that they just kicked people out of and said "hey, we'll call this our NIL branding facility!". The epitome of "hey, lets do something just to say we did it".
I think it's a good idea, b/c perception is everything when it comes to NIL. But this ain't it. I hope Beamer and Tanner are planning something much better than this.
I think it's a good idea, b/c perception is everything when it comes to NIL. But this ain't it. I hope Beamer and Tanner are planning something much better than this.