Cohen Detractors?


New member
Jun 7, 2008
Can someone give specific examples as to why some detractors are calling Cohen a "bush league" coach?

The only thing I've seen is that a few players said some things to the Rebel bat girls. Not that I'm alright with that, but is that the lone example?

MSU and UM fans alike can look to their football teams and see players that have done some pretty bad things that have happened (like illegal things!), but that doesn't make either of our football coaches "bush league" does it?

Just wondering...


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
...Cohen detractors? Because I haven't heard anything that suggests Cohen isn't capable of walking on water at this point.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
i've seen some people calling him bush league on other message boards, and they are just the few fans that are pissed polk didn't get his way. i don't see how anyone can stand behind polk after what he has said. damn it feels good to be excited about baseball again!


New member
Aug 21, 2007
Well, I don't know if it was on this board, but I do remember seeing quite a few State fans complaining about Cohen's tactics during the MSU-UK series earlier this year. Those gripes aren't being heard right now, but I do remember seeing a good number of people complaining about the way he handled his team, particularly the number of players he'd have get hit by pitches by crowding the plate.
Jan 13, 2008
Cohen commented on this yesterday in Jackson. Some woman asked him that question. He said that it was a mental toughness that he has his players play with. It does take balls or a coach pushing you to stand real close to the plate. We don't have that now. There might be 5 guys on the team that would run through a wall if asked or not asked. To the current players: 1. Weights are now manditory. 2. Baseball is no longer just a hobby that you can just show up for. 3. If you don't have any sack, head to Belhaven. 4.Get ready for big crowds. There will be pressure and that will be the norm. 5. No longer will hitting into multiple double plays be encouraged. 6. There will be no post game milk and cookies.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
told me that the entire UK dugout at this year's UM-UK series (may have been the SEC tourney...Did they play in the SEC tourney?) would give a Ric Flair-ish yell with every pitch.

I couldn't tell whether this was similar to the "whhhoooopp....whoooo" lame-*** crowd participation that goes on when an opposing pitcher is warming up or what. All I know is that the UM'ers account was that Cohen's players were leading the charge. They said it was comparable to girls' grade school softball cheers.

I nodded, cleared my throat and gave em an under my breath "throw it in the dirt, dirt."



New member
Mar 3, 2008
can get over it as well. We are going to play hard and try to win. Our coach will not welcome you with open arms and tell you how good you and your program are. Our team will now probably crowd the plate, slide hard but cleanly into your infielders, and you may see the occasional fist pump, a swear word or two, and hopefully frequent dog piling.

<17> you SEC.

We're trying now.



Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
JacksonDevilDog said:
Cohen commented on this yesterday in Jackson. Some woman asked him that question. He said that it was a mental toughness that he has his players play with. It does take balls or a coach pushing you to stand real close to the plate. We don't have that now. There might be 5 guys on the team that would run through a wall if asked or not asked. To the current players: 1. Weights are now manditory. 2. Baseball is no longer just a hobby that you can just show up for. 3. If you don't have any sack, head to Belhaven.

Why does everybody say "go to Belhaven or Millsaps"? Both teams have very good programs, well-coached and filled with players who are tough as nails, maybe just not as talented as SEC players coming out of High School. A few develop into pros. If a player's a ***** at State, he'll be a ***** at Belhaven or Millsaps...and have much less playing time.

Maybe I'm a little sensitive to this because I sat on the bench looking for playing time, errrr, went out for baseball, errrr, played baseball at Millsaps my freshman year in college. We were coached by Tommy "Fat Daddy" Ranager, and the players were tougher than nails (most were football players). If anyone pussed out like those guys on State's team the past few seasons, they'd have gotten "properly retrained"...Melvin Smith was one of my teammates.

4.Get ready for big crowds. There will be pressure and that will be the norm.

Making plans to bring the whole family up for Super Bulldog Weekend because of this.

5. No longer will hitting into multiple double plays be encouraged.

B-b-b-but, that not only works the pitch count, but it tires out the middle fielders as well, making them mistake-prone in the late innings.

6. There will be no post game milk and cookies.

Baseball is definitely the one college sport where there's no milk and cookies.


rebel law

New member
Jun 4, 2007
I haven't heard anybody question his ability. I'm pretty sure most everyone has said it was a very good hire. His players crowd the plate and opposing teams will ***** about it, like MSU and OM did this year, but I haven't heard anybody call it a busch league hire. People ***** about the Bronco's O-Line cut blocking, the broncos don't give a !@##. I doubt Cohen cares if people ***** about his players crowding the plate either.
Apr 4, 2008
Todd4State said:
. We are going to play hard and try to win. Our coach will not welcome you with open arms and tell you how good you and your program are. Our team will now probably crowd the plate, slide hard but cleanly into your infielders, and you may see the occasional fist pump, a swear word or two, and hopefully frequent dog piling.

<17> you SEC.

We're trying now.


Slide "cleanly"? You have a single hair on your balls? You always slide spikes up.</p>


New member
Mar 3, 2008
between playing hard and playing dirty. There's no place in the game to injure people intentionally. Just like there's no place in the game for playing like a ***** either.</p>

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
and it was only as a reason why you didn't want Cohen over Raffo. He doesn't play "the right way". Which I guess means he wins.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
Todd4State said:
between playing hard and playing dirty. There's no place in the game to injure people intentionally. Just like there's no place in the game for playing like a ***** either.</p>

Nobody's injuring anyone intentionally. It's just that, if the Shortstop or Second Baseman are too stupid to get out of the way when you slide in spikes up, then it's on them and not the baserunner.

Sorta like when you were a kid and you'd start waving your arms in a windmill, walking forward and saying, "I'm just gonna wave my hands like a windmill and if anyone gets in my way they'll get hit so it's their fault".</p>


New member
Aug 21, 2007
That's probably where I saw it. I'd be curious to see how many of those that were complaining about Cohen are still complaining today. The reactions I was seeing were typical sour grapes/homer type comments, so I'm sure most of those are 100% on board and ready to see their players take one for the team.

I'm just glad you guys got a coach that is easy to hate. Our rivalry is about to become a lot more fun, maybe even a bit dirty if we're lucky.
Jan 13, 2008
I was just saying that we have had some guys the past couple years that were not SECOND calibre players. I respect the programs at both Milsaps and Belhaven.