Cohen commented on this yesterday in Jackson. Some woman asked him that question. He said that it was a mental toughness that he has his players play with. It does take balls or a coach pushing you to stand real close to the plate. We don't have that now. There might be 5 guys on the team that would run through a wall if asked or not asked. To the current players: 1. Weights are now manditory. 2. Baseball is no longer just a hobby that you can just show up for. 3. If you don't have any sack, head to Belhaven.
Why does everybody say "go to Belhaven or Millsaps"? Both teams have very good programs, well-coached and filled with players who are tough as nails, maybe just not as talented as SEC players coming out of High School. A few develop into pros. If a player's a ***** at State, he'll be a ***** at Belhaven or Millsaps...and have much less playing time.
Maybe I'm a little sensitive to this because I sat on the bench looking for playing time, errrr, went out for baseball, errrr, played baseball at Millsaps my freshman year in college. We were coached by Tommy "Fat Daddy" Ranager, and the players were tougher than nails (most were football players). If anyone pussed out like those guys on State's team the past few seasons, they'd have gotten "properly retrained"...Melvin Smith was one of my teammates.
4.Get ready for big crowds. There will be pressure and that will be the norm.
Making plans to bring the whole family up for Super Bulldog Weekend because of this.
5. No longer will hitting into multiple double plays be encouraged.
B-b-b-but, that not only works the pitch count, but it tires out the middle fielders as well, making them mistake-prone in the late innings.
6. There will be no post game milk and cookies.
Baseball is definitely the one college sport where there's no milk and cookies.