First thing is, I remember Cohen playing most of his sophomore or junior seasons with a broken hand with a small cast on it. The dude is intense and is no puss. Therefore, from time to time, he is going to rub some people the wrong way b/c he doesn't take losing all that well. As far as stupid chants and ****, baseball has always been and always will be a sport where you will find plenty of strange things like that. I played through junior college and for those who didn't play, baseball players are a whole other breed. Especially when they get together. I don't even want to admit to some of the things that I witnessed baseball players do. The most ridiculous behavior that I have witnessed has been by baseball players. So for all of these new olemiss baseball fans, STFU with the whining. Either don't be a baseball fan or accept the fact that you will have to endure silly chants and any other weird **** you may see from opposing baseball teams. Just b/c the rebels are now interested in baseball, don't expect the baseball world to change to suit you. Whiney asses.