What’s the deal about organizing baseball leagues in Jonestown? How many kids even live there?
Do they have fields or are they playing in Clarksdale? If that’s the case, why not say “Clarksdale and the surrounding areas” instead of “Jonestown and the surrounding areas”?
f you build it, they will play – that’s the thinking in Coahoma County
Courtesy of Rick Cleveland:
“Coahoma County High School, which has never had a baseball field or softball field, will play their games there. So will organized youth leagues from T-ball on up. The land has been cleared and leveled. Baseball and softball diamonds have been carved. Bleachers, concession stands are under construction. Light poles are about to go up. Construction should be complete by December and ready for play next spring.”
“Buckley gives much credit for the Hope Field project to Jim Gorrie, CEO of Brasfield and Gorrie, which built the Atlanta Braves’ Trust Park. This will make a long story really short: Gorrie and Buckley met while working on mission trips in Haiti. Buckley asked Gorrie to come see what BGM was working on in the Jonestown area. Gorrie came and was intrigued. When he asked what he could do to help, Bennie Brown mentioned a baseball field. So Gorrie contacted his friends in Major League Baseball, MLB became involved, and the rest, as they say, is history.”