Where do you keep the paper towels!
Candidly…I am a little concerned that you focused so much on the hand.Don’t feel threatened boys. No heterosexual male in his sane mind would wear that much jewelry. Middle finger ring??? Multiple bracelets??? Nah….. we’re good boys.
Concerned…but not surprised….Candidly…I am a little concerned that you focused so much on the hand.
Candidly…I am a little concerned that you focused so much on the hand.
Pressing issues like staring at men’s jewelry over a woman’s body? Not that there is anything wrong with that.what else is there to focus on? Some ribs and some side belly? Psh….. call me when her “bff” steals the hat from her. Until then I have more pressing issues.
Is that your shriveled up old hand? I was going to say please get that hand out off of her. Yuck.How did you get a picture of my hand?