I think we're talking about 2 separate "investigations". One was an actual criminal investigation, the other was a paid damage control narrative IMO. The BoT "investigation" isn't what landed Jerry in prison, but it did cause the fallout elsewhere at PSU. Innocent people (Joe, Tim, Grahmn) were run over for all the wrong reasons and that wasn't right....,but those wrongs don't make me want to excuse a pedophile for what he did either IMO. Jerry was the subject of the actual criminal investigation for which he is sitting in prison for. He was charged, his victims told the court what he did, and a jury believed them over the defenses "expert" witnesses....and every defense produces an expert shooting holes in something, but the jury has to find them beleivable.
I've seen some people scapegoat everyone but Jerry for some reason and make him the victim. Jerry's victims were doxxed on Tom's old site. People from that site were driving by Jerry's victims houses and yes that did occur....and they were bragging about it like it was a good thing. You say you want people to act civil, but the actions towards people who were molested as children wasn't civil at all by folks on the free Rivals site. Some still are on this site. Even if you didn't believe they were victims....it was crazy to go after them like some did.
So now the actual victims are supposed to line up and live through this all over again because some ex-broadcaster looking for hits and a small portion of the PSU fanbase want this all dragged up again? I'm all for them investigating how the BoT opened that investigation, how much money was spent, and why.....but yeah...I'm ok with leaving Jerry's victims alone short of actual real evidence saying Jerry is innocent. Bad defense theories after the fact or money being distributed may make other feel differently, but molest a bunch of kids and some lawyers will find that pay day. PSU, the catholic Church, US Womens gymnastics.....doesn't mean these people weren't victimized. Hopefuly this was civil enough...but probably not as some don't like hearing that some people believe Jerry is where he belongs, but also realize his crimes hurt way more than just his victims.