Next, the Ultimate Club Duals took place in State College. A bunch of elite wrestlers were on teams (clubs), and competed for team titles. I can find specific results for the team results, but have had a tougher time figuring out how the individual wrestlers did. Here's what I can find that should be of interest to PSU fans:
Dalton Perry: went 5-1, with a pin and 4 TFs (his loss was to Jax Forrest, 9-4)
Mason Gibson: went 6-1, with a pin and 3 TFs (his loss was to Jax Forrest, 12-1)
Of Interest:
Pierson Manville: went 7-0, with 7 TFs
Bo Bassett: I don't know his complete results, but he defeated Nate Desmond, 13-2
Asher Cunningham: I don't know his complete results, but he went 4-0, with 4 TFs in the first day of competition