Dear Tommy Raffo


New member
Mar 3, 2008
You will split this fanbase if you and your boy McNickle are in control. You would have to win big every year including next to even have a chance to be embraced by a large majority of State BB fans. Move on and we will look at you some day, Mcnickle, just go away.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Our fanbase is already split. I would say you have Polk and his croonies, who is apparently KB21 and Raffo. And then you have everyone else who has a brain.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I think Bruce Castoria had the best suggestion I've seen for Polk. If he really wants Raffo to get the job, he needs to pull a Bobby Knight and quit after the Georgia series and let Raffo coach the team the rest of the year.


May 24, 2006
and pretty much everybody else I've talked to on this subject wants nothing to do with Raffo. As big of a baseball fan as I am, I just don't know if I could even try and support him. The guy has the personality of this keyboard I'm typing. A few years back, he spoke at a 120 Club meeting in Brandon and it was worse than watching paint dry. I have never been so bored in my life. I think I had more fun in my Lit I & II courses I took at State than I did that night. I am very nervous he's going to be handed the keys to the cadillac and he's going to drive it off the Grand Canyon.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
At least then Raffo would have some coaching experience. There is really no reason for Polk to be around anymore.


New member
May 1, 2006
It isn't that I believe Raffo is a bad coach. He certainly hasn't set himself apart, but I don't know if he's bad either. My main hangup is that Raffo isn't qualified for this job. I know to many MSU fans the fact that he learned under The Legend and has MSU ties is enough, and there are some MSU fans that think having ties is enough. These same people wanted JDJ as AD. I, on the other hand, view baseball as the one sport where MSU can truly be selective. We don't have to settle for someone without head coaching experience. We don't have to take a chance on a guy like Raffo, or even a top assistant like McDonnell. We can go get someone with head coaching experience that is in demand. We can do this because our fanbase truly cares about baseball, we have top notch attendance and season ticket sales, our facilities are top tier, and we have a tradition of being a very good program over a very long period of time. I truly believe this is an attractive job to any head coach out there and my belief is backed up both by those things I listed above and by the piece written by Mainieri after a regional in Starkville. To settle for a coach without head coaching experience without even doing a search would definantly not excite me and energize me.
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