There's a reason we didn't listen to Ron Polk. State fans got tired of seeing Mississippi State baseball deteriorate into a bunch of pansies with torn labias who'd look at strike one down the middle, wave at strike two, look at strike three, and meekly go back to the dugout to get rubbed down with Vagisil. State fans got tired of seeing singles or long flyouts turn to triples because players didn't feel like running that hard to get to the ball. State fans got tired of seeing players getting injured all the time because they wouldn't do any off-season conditioning. I'm sure Ron Polkczynski satisfies your wish for baseball being a pastoral, early 20th century Norman Rockwell painting (like the George Carlin bit). But baseball is the one sport Mississippi State can legitimately say they have a shot at the National Championship, and Ron Polk's megalomania was doing everything to keep that from happening. Besides, if you like Tommy Raffo so much, YOU hire him as your assistant.