Doc wasn't among the four University recommended candidates?


New member
Aug 29, 2006
Old news? I am the only one who didn't know this?

http<span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">://
IHL chooses the preferred candidate from a pool of candidates who were previously recommended to the IHL's Board of Trustees by a university search advisory committee, she said.</p>

In the case of MSU, the university recommended four candidates to the IHL board for the presidential position, faculty senate member Mark Goodman said. However, Foglesong was not among the university-recommended candidates. He had been one of the candidates that the university search committee had found unqualified, Goodman said.</p>


New member
Dec 19, 2006
and it's why there was a rift between Doc and the faculty from the start and why there are so many black helicopter theories involving Meredith and MSU.


New member
Aug 29, 2006
I knew there was some controversy surrounding the hiring from day one, but I just thought he wasn't one of the preferred candidates. I had no clue he didn't even make the advisory committee's list and was deemed unqualified. What's the hell is the point in having the advisory committee?


New member
Jan 23, 2007
Steve Holland is going to withhold funding if the selection process isn't more transparent this time. That is, if he can stretch that stick that he uses to vote far enough past his huge gut to push his voting button. Damn, I wish we had an advocate in the house that wasn't the picture you see in the dictionary beside "buffoon."

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Note: I would have put the entry in quotes, but when I previewed it, the formatting looked very, very bad. The remainder of the post is from Mayo's blog.

MSU President Selection <div class="BlogMain_EntryDate"> Posted 3/19/2008 1:50 PM CDT <span id="SiteAttributionActivity" class="BlogPostContent_SiteAttribution">on</span> </div> <div class="BlogMain_EntryContent" id="postBody">

There was an informal hearing this morn (Wednesday Mar 19) of legislative members who are alumni of MS State and a few others who are concerned about the selection process of a new president.</p>

Dr. Tom Meridith, director of IHL, gave the presentation of the process. I believe most of us believed that it is a fairly extensive one that has ample opportunity for input by campus groups.</p>

He stressed the need for secrecy of the prospective candidates to protect their current employment and by doing that he said the IHL board could probably attract some more highly qualified persons.</p>

I would tend to agree with that. You may be happy with your job, but looking to move up. A somewhat closed application process would protect your current employment, but also give you the opportunity to see if your resume can take you higher.</p>

While several outspoken members agreed, they also pointed out that once the the board whittles the list down to three or so, there's probably a lot of people who have been involved in the process that the names are pretty well known. And, by this time if the final candidates do not want their names to be known, they probably should not have allowed the process to go this far with them as a participant.</p>

Even though I am an open meetings person, I think we should understand the need for initial closed meetings here. Without it, we would probably get an abundance of applicants who are unhappy where they are at, about to get fired, or just a midlevel, average performing person taking a chance to move.</p>

But, when we get down to that final selection, this public position is important enough to have open public scrutiny.</p> </div>

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
...and Johnny Stringer is the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and as far as the Universities and Colleges committee folks are concerned, not too many of them have MSU ties.

<font face="Arial">House:
<font face="Arial">Universities and Colleges
Charles L. Young, Chairman; Kelvin Buck, Vice-Chairman
Members: Noal Akins; Toby Barker; Charles Jim Beckett; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Donnie Bell</span>; Cecil Brown; Clara Burnett; Credell Calhoun; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Kimberly L. Campbell</span>; Tad Campbell; Alyce G. Clarke; Becky Currie; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Mark DuVall</span>; James Evans; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Herb Frierson</span>; Jack Gadd; Esther Harrison; Gregory Holloway; Steven A. Horne; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Mac Huddleston</span>; Roger Ishee; Kevin McGee; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Dannie Reed</span>; Margaret Rogers; Ferr Smith; Gary V. Staples</font>
<font face="Arial">Universities and Colleges
Doug E. Davis, Chairman; Sampson Jackson II, Vice-Chairman
Members: Hillman Terome Frazier; Tommy A. Gollott; Alice Harden; W. Briggs Hopson III; Billy Hudson; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Gary Jackson</span>; Tom King; Nolan Mettetal; Gray Tollison; Johnnie E. Walls, Jr.; J. P. Wilemon, Jr.</font>
People whose names are in bold have attended and/or graduated from MSU, and in the House all people with MSU ties are freshmens with the exception of Reed. Edit to add: And Frierson.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
should realize that people expect that a final candidate should be chosen from the final pool that resulted from the 'process'.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
process was set up. If it was a broad based group of falculty, students, alumni, etc., then I think that is fair. However, even the selection process for those participants can be called into question. Keeping the process rational and not territorial is probably very challenging.

Edited to say: I mean, if you are the IHL, and you find out after the fact that the entire selection process set up by the University was corrupted by a group that proved to be entirely self serving (just for instance, let's say the Faculty insisted on someone that would guarantee them less work and higher pay -- just a for instance here), you might have cause to scrap the entire process and start over.


Active member
May 29, 2007
Sonny Montgomery is the guy that suggested to him that he apply for it. Until that happened, it probably would never have occurred to foglesong to even consider it...that's a matter of record, but you won't hear much about it, because Sonny is a untouchable, and even dead.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
untouchable. Unless you dig them up, of course.</p>

I still don't have a big problem with Foglesong. The AD search committee was very inclusive. I don't think he ordered some damn flowers dug up. Enrollment increased. He was extremely approachable (for all you populists in the crowd.) And he didn't look like a toad in pictures like the last President. And he didn't have some Harvard of the South attitude like the one before the Toad. Most the decisions made in his administration seemed well founded. The constant flyovers were a little bit annoying, but that's not such a big deal.</p>


New member
Jun 4, 2007
He was an embarrassment. I didn't think anyone could rival our soon-to-be former president, Dr. Sorenson...but Foglesong wins the award. What an ego-maniac.

Looking forward to our series with you guys this weekend. Other than this weekend, I hope your team does well the rest of the way...pull for you otherwise.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
and I also think Foglesong was good for the University. He was definitely had a hard time getting his ego in the door but he shook up a place that needed it. And still needs it.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
...and I suppose making the interim president the president wasn't an option either especially since an interim president had not yet been selected.
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