If you read the follow up articles on other sites and the actual police report you would know the "sexual assault" was totally consensual sex, even the girl admitted as much. Also, the AJC wrote the article in such a slanted way with major details left out as to make readers believe Kirby offered and signed a kid with a sexual assault arrest on his record. The kid was never arrested or charged with any crime. As to the "enabler", I'm sure he is some staff person whose job is to make sure kids don't say stupid stuff to police and to help settle disputes. Every program has those guys, it is part of college football. They usually have some title like "Director of player personnel" or "Player Support Coordinator".
The speeding issues really aren't surprising. Give a bunch of 18 yr old boys a couple hundred thousand dollars and the first thing they are going to do is go out and buy a car. Many of them are going to buy fast cars and they are going to drive them fast. The number of non athletes who get speeding tickets would boggle the mind, expecting athletes to be any different makes no sense. The difference is; newspapers don't report on every non athlete student getting a speeding ticket or DUI or getting in a fight.
I recall Garcia being arrested something like 5 times and still playing. No one thought SOS had lost control of the program. Every football team has the same problems with players and the law and have had those problems for as long as college football has been a big thing.