Concur. There's much more competing for our time now (100s of channels, youth sports, internet, etc) and deer season has gotten super easy and comfortable and doesn't interfere with youth sports as much being in the winter. Also folks are spending tons of money and time on deer hunting, so that leaves less resources for other hunting.
That's been my experience. I'm fortunate to have somewhere to put a dove field. I've meant to do it for years but haven't made the time until now. Looking forward to a multi-year process developing the place.
As far as I know, nobody anywhere close by the spot I've picked messes with doves. I'm hopeful I'll be able to make a second season hunt a thing.
Some folks may not know - dove season is federally regulated like duck season in coordination with the state. The upshot is, the days allowed to hunters are broken into three segments and subdivided north and south. In the north section, which for this purpose is all but the bottom-right corner of the state, the season dates this year are these:
Sept. 2 - Oct. 15
Oct. 28 - Nov. 26
Dec. 30 - Jan. 14
Some of the very best dove hunts I've been on in Mississippi have happened in November, but they've been done on fields left over from work pointed at the Labor Day Weekend opener. I've wanted to build a field manicured for the later seasons specifically. I'm in Lee County, so we'll have migrating doves coming through by November. At least, the birds we've shot in the later seasons have been mature birds at any rate.
One thing that seems to escape so many in online conversations about the outdoors is, not every thing is for every one.
I'm satisfied I've shot enough whitetails to hold me for the rest of my life. My interest in sitting still in a deer stand for hours on end is so low as to be unmeasureable by science. That leaves much of the rest of the field (no pun intended) open though.
That said, if the deer demolish my sunflowers as seems possible, I may work the whitetails over pretty hard this fall.