In no particular orderWhat are the top 5 helmets in college football? Hit me.
I always thought Iowa's helmets looked bada$$.In no particular order
Michigan. (Iconic)
Ohio St. (Ditto)
Just by looking at the helmet you Immediately know what team is on the field
Honorable Mention
Kansas St
Clemson. (Try not to jump off the bridge, but it is cool)
Penn State is my favorite.What are the top 5 helmets in college football? Hit me.
Texas’s helmets are crisp. The simple white with a logo is good when the logo is basic like Texas. IU is good too.I've always liked our white helmets, but if I cannot be a Homer then I've always liked Oklahoma and Texas helmets with a shout out to Wyoming. Maybe Arizona and Indiana as well.
The Garnet block C is a classic. Gets the job done. Oregon has so many and they rarely miss. My favorite probably being the reflective silver ones with whatever logo they want on it. Notre Dame is also a classic. Loved it way more when they switched to the reflective paint too.As far as helmets and I am a little biased. But I always liked our Garnet versions with the Block C. With or without the little white circle in the back ground.
Miami, FSU, Notre Dame and probably Oregon.
Yeah this one was so good. Would’ve loved to see a Jersey that was simplified along with it. Like maybe the script Carolina on the front or Carolina without the outlines