Even more insane comments from Polk - from Associated Press article


New member
Mar 3, 2008
That sounds like a threat to me.

Seriously, some of Polk's former players need to go as a group and talk to him and tell him that he is only making himself look bad.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
What a %+%@@+% tool. Hopefully he will calm down eventually and just leave quietly. The guy is looking like a complete psycho right now


New member
May 28, 2007
Ron, STFU! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHUT YOUR DAMNED MOUTH! If you are the "almighty" you claim to be, then you could have had Raffo go get some head coaching experience somewhere. Skip Bertman did it for Smoke Laval - whoops, that didn't turn out too good. Raffo was your yes man, that's why you love him.

It would be so awesome if Will Clark would drop in and give Byrne a million or so.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
f'n sad. what a f'n spectacle. with every additional quote, that mf'er is sinking further into irrelevency. i say, keep digging your grave, you two-faced bastard.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
emmadawg said:

..."Now he's got me on the war path and all I can do is hurt him," Polk said of Byrne in a phone interview with The Associated Press from Athens, Ga., where he is watching Georgia play North Carolina State in an NCAA super regional. "I'm going to do everything I can to make his life miserable."

Go to Hell RGP

</p>If he's as effective fighting Greg Byrnes as he was the NCAA, we got nothing to worry about.


New member
Oct 8, 2006
I'm surprised that he has gone off like this. I don't know why I am, after all the tilting at NCAA windmills and the demands that Raffo be hired, but I didn't think his reaction would be this extreme.

I don't know whether to be mad at Polk or just shake my head in sadness over someone who had apparently lost his mind. This is beyond pathetic.</p>


New member
Oct 10, 2006
........really dug a very deep grave for himself, and it's sad. It's sad for all of us, because nobody feels good in this situation. I'm sure Tommy Raffo feels bad, and I'm sure John Cohen feels bad, but what the hell is anyone supposed to do?

Greg Byrne had one fundamental question that he had to answer for himself before hiring the next MSU baseball coach. That question was whether or not Ron Polk was larger than MSU and Bulldog baseball. Greg apparently was able to come up with the answer, and I believe it's the correct one. He believes that MSU baseball, and by association MSU sports in-general, are more important than any one individual. When faced with the opportunity to hire not only a proven head coach, but one with MSU ties and a love for the university, he didn't pass it up. And how can anyone in their right blame him for that? How can anyone blame John Cohen for wanting the job as well? He's a Bulldog, and his home is 90 miles down the road = NO-BRAINER.

I just hope the media is smart enough recognize the absurdly childish behavior on Polk's part and call him out for it. I think they will, because even the great coach-defender Rick Cleveland himself called out Polk a few weeks back. I think he'll do it again.