Dead on.
Hmmmm. He's been in that situation. But wasn't it was illegal before this year?
Just below the part you referenced...
SI: When you were head coach at the Raiders, you and then owner Al Davis became embroiled in a public fight over the playing time of No. 1 draft pick JaMarcus Russell. Do you see that starting to play out in college?
LK: How is that not going to be an issue—that the donor pays the money for the player, and you’re not playing them and that same donor gets you hired and fired. That donor is now what? The owner.
I’ve been there, where the owner calls and says, ‘We need to play this guy!’ And I say, ‘No, we need to play this other guy.’ I’ll tell you what happens—you get fired. You get fired on an overhead projector. What’s going to happen when the lead donor calls and says to play this guy, and you don’t—do you not get fired?
I think this is what he was talking about. But it's Kiffin.