PSU Defense vs. Bowling Green Film Study
See link. Was glad coach didn't sugarcoat things this week because it addressed the elephant in the room head-on -- namely what the heck happened to the D in the initial 30 minutes and what flipped in the final 30? Gives a couple of reasons why things looked the way they did in the first half. Points out a couple kids specifically (DeLuca, Wheatley). But in the end, the buck has to stop at Allen. He looked like a guy who hasn't been a defensive coordinator in close to a decade (which he is) out there Saturday. Even if Bowling Green has a few fringe pros for a MAC team, that's no excuse for why things were so out of sorts. Can only hope this was a wake-up call. Anyway, enjoy.
See link. Was glad coach didn't sugarcoat things this week because it addressed the elephant in the room head-on -- namely what the heck happened to the D in the initial 30 minutes and what flipped in the final 30? Gives a couple of reasons why things looked the way they did in the first half. Points out a couple kids specifically (DeLuca, Wheatley). But in the end, the buck has to stop at Allen. He looked like a guy who hasn't been a defensive coordinator in close to a decade (which he is) out there Saturday. Even if Bowling Green has a few fringe pros for a MAC team, that's no excuse for why things were so out of sorts. Can only hope this was a wake-up call. Anyway, enjoy.