Finally....a REAL athletic director


New member
Nov 1, 2007
First of all, I don't piss and moan about Templeton. He did a fairly decent job in his tenure. I didn't always agree with some things he did. But if he was in charge of this hire, we would be signing Raffo's name on the dotted line as our new head coach.

Not that Raffo doesn't deserve a chance, but here at Mississippi State, baseball is the ONE and only sport where we can control how good a coach we can get. So we didn't need to pussyfoot around....go for the best. That's what the man did, and I'm loving our new hire.

Coach Polk is completely wrong. Everybody knows how much he's done for Mississippi State and college baseball. But I think he's let a little too much of that get to his head. This wasn't a slap to his face....we did what needed to be done, and that's hire the best. We can't do that in our other sports. I hope he comes to his senses....but I somehow doubt it will happen. I really hate that.