He is the president. Dems didn't have a choice when Clinton was president either. Don't think for a minute that they were ashamed when the whole Monica thing came out, but they had to back their guy.
I would argue with Afganistan, the credit situation, and the Katrina deal. I'm staying away from Iraq, that is a polarizing issue. I'll agree with spending, that is something a Rep pres is supposed to be against.
The credit situation isn't something the gov't should oversee. It's private industry, plain and simple. As long as people are stupid enough to buy things they can't afford, namely houses, then we are going to continue to see what we've seen. Each and every citizen must be fiscally responsible for themselves. It isn't the government's responsibility, and furthermore I don't want them in my business. If more people picked up one of Dave Ramsey's books they'd be a lot better off, even if you don't follow his advice to the letter.
Katrina wasn't a mismanagement. Both the Gov of LA and the Mayor of NOLA told Bush they had it covered. Well, they didn't. It takes time to mobilize a relief unit, and do so effectively you must be organized. Notice MS didn't have the problems NOLA did. There are two reasons for that: 1) the people of MS affected by the hurricane immediately lent a hand in the rebuilding and relief process. They helped their neighbor, they didn't complain, and they set about rebuilding their lives. The people in NOLA complained that the gov't wasn't there to hold their hand and immediately starting looting everything in sight. 2) The Governor of MS asked for aid ahead of the storm, the leadership in LA didn't.
Spending is out of control. Republicans are supposed to run a small government, but Bush has done the opposite and should be called our for it.