Saw this over on the pond....
<div class="messagebody"> <blockquote dir="ltr"> vrcspark wrote: How quickly they forget you when you are not part of the business plan. Jimmy may have some ideas of his own when he comes to trial. Local folks in Brookhaven say he is not happy with support from Saban. <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>[/quote]
Holy crap on a crap cracker, if that's not the most Fark-able picture of Saban I've seen in a while I don't know what is. Come on, Farkers, hook it up! </div>
<div class="messagebody"> <blockquote dir="ltr"> vrcspark wrote: How quickly they forget you when you are not part of the business plan. Jimmy may have some ideas of his own when he comes to trial. Local folks in Brookhaven say he is not happy with support from Saban. <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>[/quote]
Holy crap on a crap cracker, if that's not the most Fark-able picture of Saban I've seen in a while I don't know what is. Come on, Farkers, hook it up! </div>