I like a cold one as much as the next fan. I also appreciate the freedom to exercise that right.
That said, it appeared to me that the sales went embarrassingly well on Saturday. I was stunned at the demand on a cold, dreary, miserable day, and that was before the game got ugly (only won by 10, five turnovers, Clifford kept playing). At how many people were double fisting. And the cans weren't small either, looked about 20-24 oz. (And those prices, oy vey)
I truly, honestly, really hope I'm wrong. But I can't help but think that there is going to be a lot more fights and confrontations in the stands due to beer muscles. Especially when things on the field aren't going well for the boys in blue.
For example, last week vs. CMU (a 19 point win), before beer became a reality inside the stadium, there was a female fan behind me two rows and a seat or two, someone who was very, very effusive for the team when the game started and was overjoyed when it was a cakewalk for the first 5-10 minutes. Then CMU started playing well, we started not playing well and it became ugly. Said female fan started loudly eff this, eff that, what the eff is this, why the eff are we doing this, why can't we effing tackle, what kind of effing coaching is this. Keep in mind this was what appeared to be a sober, less than 30 and not a student, female in EFU .
The people who make these decisions either don't go to games or don't sit with the common folk. They don't know the real-world ramifications I fear this decision will have. The telecast noted the beer sales. What happens when a brawl breaks out in the stands and is shown on TV? We've been fortunate that we haven't seen a lot of that behavior -- yet. We have, but again, not a lot. Last year there was a fight in EB near the letterman seats when the students spilled over into the regular seats due to overcrowding (overselling per ushers nearby). Just a couple punches, but it might not stop at a couple with some booze and testosterone.
JMHO from a still youngish early 50s fan who started attending in the mid 70s and is longtime NLC. I hope this decision isn't regretted down the road, but since money is the only thing that matters anymore, I doubt anyone would acknowledge it was a mistake even in blinding hindsight.