since I've heard of a team sending down a player like that to AA to" work things out." Most of the time, you just sit the guy for a game or two and then he's fine.
There's more to this than just a breaking out of a slump- for Pete's sake they sent him to the place where he hit the worst in his minor league career.
I'm thinking that he's probably been acting like an ******* or indifferent to his struggles. I would get cocky to if they made a lifetime achievement special on SportsSouth after two full seasons in the Big Leagues.
The show is worth watching for the unintentional comedy value alone. For instance, he said he likes going back to visit his high school because "most of the teachers are still there", and I should hope so after three years. Then you have his wife, who is a stereotypical diamond girl. She talked about how she "never really noticed Jeff, even though they were friends, until he started doing "amazing things on the field" (Read between the lines, Hey! You ARE good enough to play pro sports. If I hook up with you, I won't have to work a day in my life! Hell YEAH! When and where do you want me to put out? ) And then you have his Dad you knew that his son had become a man "because he signed every last autograph". Also, most of the highlights are from his HS days conveniently taken from that channels feed.
Now, don't get me wrong- Francouer is a very talented player, but NO ONE, not even Babe Ruth, should have a TV special about their life after only one full season.