Blandino said that they must have been calling him for landing on the QB with his body weight...said the NFL wants referees to be looking for that to protect QBs, but it was a tough spot to call it. The color guy said that it's one thing to do that after a QB releases a ball, but in this instance, the defender was simply making a tackle.
From the below article, a quote from the ref that made the call:
"I was the calling official and the call was roughing the passer due to full body weight," Hill said. "The ruling on the field was that the defender came down with forceable contact, chest-to-chest. He didn’t perform one of those acts to remove most of that body weight – a gator roll or a clear to the side when he was coming in. He came down directly with that force on the player, so the category was full body weight."
Hill was asked what the defender is supposed to do in that situation.
"There are two common techniques. One we call the ‘gator roll’ where if he takes that player and rolls to the side so they both land on their side, that 90-degree rotation as he comes around. Or he comes down and breaks the fall first with hands and knees almost like in a crab-like fashion on top of the quarterback."
New England Patriots quarterback Mac Jones was seemingly sacked in the third quarter on a routine play. However, Washington Commanders defender K.J. Henry was penalized.